Demand of Me – Lesson Two

May 18th, 2024

(Preparing our Petition)

I hope you have read both the introduction and lesson one as they build the foundation of this lesson.  We are talking about how to place a demand on God and receive multiplication back from Him.  When we place a demand only on ourselves, we work with addition, not multiplication. 

In the Introduction, I mentioned we are going to use health and food as our foundation to teach this series, “Demand of Me Like I Demand of You,” which can be used in every area of your life, marriage, finances, education, job, or sport.   Your health is going to determine how long you live, your quality of life, your happiness, and your ability to stay in your own home as you age.  I spent many years in the health care industry, working predominantly with elderly people, both in a facility and in homecare.  What you did and ate in your twenties does come back to haunt you in your eighties and nineties. 

No matter where you are in the healthcare of your body, you can improve it.  Your body needs food and water for survival, your brain needs to be demanded of to stay healthy, and to create energy you need to release energy.  If you are doing these three things daily, you are either maintaining or improving your body.  I know, exercise and diet.

In the videos in the introduction, you heard Brandon talk about a new and wicked way that this prophet heard the ‘evil’ people plan to depopulate the planet.  Using medications as the bases of destroying life.   Even if, this is not true, even if, there is no plot or plan to cause another pandemic, not eating right and not involving movement in our lives will lessen the chances of us living a full and joyous life.  

We know for a fact that much of our vitamins and medications are imported from China, and the percentage of these imports are rising dramatically each year.  We also know for a fact that the last pandemic started in China.   We also know that China is standing against Israel.  In an article dated, April 20, 2023, “As Beijing continues to prioritize pharmaceuticals, its manufacturing capacity and relevance to global supply chains will only grow. If recent import growth around cardiovascular medicine and cancer treatments continues, for example, in a few short years China could control concerning portions of the US supply chain. A regular mapping exercise would help policymakers assess how supply-chain risk is changing over time.”

I want you to know, that the ‘vaccine’ has been under attack since it appeared on the market.  I don’t want to drone on this, as you probably already know all this, but in case you do not, “Florida’s state surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, is calling for doctors to stop recommending mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, citing alleged health risks promoted by anti-vaccine activists that federal health officials have already refuted as “implausible” and “misleading.”

In a bulletin posted Wednesday on the Florida Department of Health’s website, Ladapo raised concerns about “nucleic acid contaminants” found in the approved Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. He claimed this could deliver “contaminant DNA” into human cells and also raised concerns about cancer risk.”  (Dated Jan, 2024)

Have you noticed that people are just dying, and cancer rates are climbing?  Now you have our greatest importer of cancer medications coming from the country that the pandemic came from.  If you watched the video in the introduction, Brandon said, obese people.  Many people who are obese are on diabetic drugs.  There have been major shortages of those drugs, as well as people are put on these drugs to help them loose weight.  [As well as people are put on these drugs to help them loose weight.]

“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God.”  (Hosea 4:6; NIV)  “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  (2 Chronicles 7:14; NIV)

I am guilty of eating too much sugar, too many calories, and not getting enough stretching and having enough daily exercising in my routine.    I have lived at both extremes of the weight and exercising sides.  At one time, I wore a size zero pair of pants, exercised one to two hours a day, and calculated every calorie that went into my body.  When I went back to college, I couldn’t exercise those many hours because of classroom time, studying time and daily life each day.  When I worked homecare, I could run up four or five flights of stairs, but I was slowly and steadily gaining weight.  Today, I could still climb up four flights of stairs, but I would be breathing hard once I reached the topflight.

I can use lots of excuses, such as each morning I am up between 4 and 5 in the morning, praying and writing for two to four hours, I work full-time, have a house to clean and a garden to look after, and on and on.  These are just excuses to put off what I need to do.  “Well, you know God, I am sitting here after dinner watching a sermon and learning your Word.”  That is true, but I could still be on my feet, listening to the Word, while stretching. 

What is worse than lack of knowledge?  Having that knowledge and not applying it.  Having the wisdom to know better and allowing that wisdom to waltz out the door.  Am I considered obese?  No, but I weigh more than I should.  The more you weigh over and above what is right for you, the more pressure you put on your heart, your skeleton, and your muscles.  The world has their model, and your body has its own model.  Being healthy doesn’t mean a certain number, or size on the tag of your clothing.  Goodness knows, some of my clothes are size medium and some are extra large. 

What is right for you, may not be right for me.  But there are somethings that are right for all of us, and that is healthy food, body movement and brain food.  We are a body mass of flesh, and within us is our soul, mind, will and emotions, and our spiritual body.  If those three things are not fed properly and exercised daily, we turn into blobs.  So let us begin the process of “putting a demand on God, like He does demand of us.”

There are many ways to get from point A to point Z, however, without God it is impossible.  God knows what your weight should be for your body type, your age.  You can use such tools as body mass charts, calorie counters, how many steps you took, blood type charts, this diet, that diet, but what God tells you to do will work for you.  Also, understand, that God knows what your body needs and how much pressure it can take today.  He might not have you add movement until you get your weight down by cutting calories first.  Maybe He will ask you to walk to the park and back home once a day that is a half a block away, or perhaps a mile.  Don’t be me and put God off. 

The Word says by prayer and petition.  We know that whatever we ask for in Jesus’ name, is yes and amen.  Petition means to make or present a formal request to (an authority) with respect to a particular cause. (Oxford Dictionary)  When you write your petition to God, be detailed, ask for what you want, even if it seems way out there.  If you feel you are one hundred pounds overweight, and you feel during your prayer time this is what you feel God is telling you, like He told Brandon, that is part of your petition.  If you want to be able to lift fifty pounds and walk with it, add that to your petition.  Don’t choose a size of clothing, that is too vague.  If you have had children, and are mature in age, don’t write down, to get back into my grad dress or wedding dress.  Your body might have changed, and if you can’t get into it, you might consider yourself as a failure.

Weight number and measurements.  The ideal woman if you read a sewing pattern is not me.  My numbers end up in three different places on the sizing chart.    I do recommend you do write down your starting weight, your bust, waist, and hip measurements, as well as your calorie amounts for the first few weeks, so you learn what you are really eating and learn portion sizes.   Do not get all legalistic about these numbers, and into fear about the calorie numbers.  You are learning knowledge, and that knowledge will lead to wisdom, and this will teach you about portion size and what things add up too.  As most people eat the same thing over and over again, you will learn how to control amounts and make wiser decisions.

Before you run to the altar, it is wise to know what you are asking before you blurt out something you have no intention for in your heart.  In the book, The Essentialist by Greg McKeown, he writes, “If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.”  What is important to you?  What is your heart saying?  What is the intention of your heart?  God cannot give you the desires of your heart, if you don’t know what your heart is saying and desiring.  A true intention is what you long for, but you are willing to sacrifice for it. 

I have for years said, “I need to loose weight.”  “I need to get my gut health in check.”  “I need to eat healthy.”  “I need to start walking again.”  These things come from my heart, my spirit, or from the ‘mind of Christ’.    We have a brain, which controls our movements, our heart beats, that takes in information; however, our heart, is in our spirit, and the heart is where we speak from.  Our true intention comes from the heart, our aimless thoughts and wishy-washy speeches come from our brain.  The brain contains emotions and past experiences that can easily derail us, which is why my “I need to loose weight,” statement hasn’t done a thing for me.  God looks in my heart not my brain to grant me the desires of my heart. 

Before we can demand of God and ask Him from our heart as we present our request or petition to Him, we need to get our heart to agree and receive.  Take the time to prepare your petition, to build your faith, and know that you know, what you are asking for is yes and amen.


Let’s start with the facts: “I need to loose weight,” or “Maintain my weight” or “Gain Weight.”

Don’t rely on what the World says you should weigh, according to your height and age.  Ask your creator what is the weight that is ideal for me

If you don’t receive a formal number from God, there might be another more pressing health issue He wants you to deal with first.  Ask Him?

For me:  (FOR ME)  I am told I am gluten sensitive, as well as, dairy products if consumed in excess is not good for me.  My face turns red, and I get these small crater break outs on my face, normally around my nose and lips.  This happens with eggs too.  It has to do with proteins. 

Right now, my gut is not balanced.  This has happened in the past; so, I know how to fix it, although it takes time and money.    Due to my age and sensitivities, I need to take HCL pills, Betaine Hydrochloride, as I am low on acid in my stomach.  I also need to take probiotics as well as vitamins that God has directed me to take.  (I have been very diligent with taking vitamins for years now.)

As mentioned earlier, I have been told by God to start stretching.  SLOWLY, I am starting to incorporate gentle stretches in the evening while watching a teaching or sermon.  Don’t over do any form of exercise at first.   Even when I am hurting, I do these exercises, as I believe, I speak and do those things that are not as though they were.  In other words, I weigh what I should weigh, stretch the way I am supposed to stretch and eat how I should be eating.   I do not take any medications of any kind, with the exception of occasional pain medication.  When you take your medicine, say, “I am healed.  No disease or pain can enter my body because Jesus bore it all on the cross, so I don’t have too.  My God is not a liar, and the Word is the truth, I AM HEALED!”

I was told in my early twenties; I had arthritis in my hands.  Somewhere in my adulthood, I was told the cushioning between my bones in my lower back where thin.  I was told my skeleton wasn’t balanced in my hips.  None of that moves me.  I refuse it, don’t receive it, don’t allow it.  Does my body hurt?  As I write this, my fingers and thumbs are aching, my lower back is stiff, and my hips are sore.  That doesn’t move me, as I am healed.  My God cannot lie, the Word says, I am healed. 

“Well, Sister Tina, why don’t you eat gluten or wheat?  Doesn’t the Word say, even if you consume poison, it will not harm you?”  Yes, the Word says that that is why it is important to ask God every morning, protect me from the food I eat and the water I drink today.”  Let’s get this straight, we live in a fallen world, and farmers and the government allow crops to be sprayed with some very harmful chemicals, and the government and food manufactures don’t care what chemicals they put in your food.  And consumers buy that chemical laced food and consume it.    I don’t know about your body, but my body has consumed a lot of chemicals in its day.  I have done detoxing, I practice intermittent fasting, and try to eat as much organic, GMO-free foods as I can.

God cannot bless sin.  I know, I have tried to convince Him otherwise, and failed.  He loves me, He wants to bless me, but if I continue to consume what He said not too, how can I expect Him to bless that?   Can we eat pigs?  Yes, God told Peter we could, however, pork meat is not the best meat for us.  If you consume it, you are not sinning.  However, God said, do not eat the blood of the animal.  He never lifted that after the cross.  “…because the life of every creature is its blood.  That is why I have said to the Israelites, “You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off.””  (Leviticus 17:14; NIV)  Now do not become legalistic over this, we have repentance to cover our sin.  The bible in verse 13 says, “animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth.”   Blood calls out to God.  If the animal was raised humanely and killed for its flesh and not tortured, the blood will not cry out for vengeance.  However, in Genesis 4:10; 9:4 God says, “Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground…But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. And for your life-blood I will surely demand an accounting.  I will demand an accounting from every animal.  And from each man, too.  I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man.”

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  (Hosea 4:6)  Just because you don’t know God’s Word, doesn’t free you from the consequences of the Word.  Just because you didn’t know not to eat the blood of an animal, doesn’t free you from the consequences of that.  Just as the rain falls upon the just and unjust, your harvest of good or bad will come to you.   Judgement will be worse for those who know and ignore God, but nevertheless, ignorance is not bliss.

In order to write a petition, you need to know what you want to ask of God, why and have scripture verses to stand on.  This requires knowing something.  It means you are going to have to find something in the bible to stand on, request on, and believe on.  I will help in a general way, but this petition needs to be personalized by you and God.

Grab your journal, a pen, and your bible. 

Today’s date:  Always record the day you write in your journal.

Are you wanting to maintain your weight and get healthier?  Loose weight and how much?  Or gain weight, and how much?

If you write, loose weight, 30 pounds, and you loose 20 pounds, and hear God say stop, or hear people say, don’t loose any more weight, it is not defeat to not loose the other ten pounds.  You switch over to maintain the weight.

Write:  Starting weight.  Only weigh yourself once a week, not daily.  The best time is first thing in the morning, but if not possible, weigh yourself at the same time of day, with the same amount of clothing on.

Take your measurements:  Bust or chest, waist, and hips.  If you want to take more, you can.   Take this measurement once or twice a month.

Be aware that muscle weighs more than fat, and muscle mass is smaller than fat, however, muscles can grow larger, so if you are doing muscle building exercises, beware, that your flat stomach if that is your focused area, will grow larger with more resistant exercises. 

Find scripture verses to stand on: 

For example: “Why do you spend your money on junk food, your hard-earned cash on cotton candy?  Listen to me listen well.  Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest.”  (Isaiah 55:2; MSG)    When you write out your petition you may write something like, “I choose as an act of my will, not to spend money on junk food, and cotton candy, but to fill my body with the finest and best that I can afford.  I am placing a demand on you God, to supply all my need so I can buy the best organic and GMO-free foods, and hormone and anti-biotic free meat.”

“They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”  (Mark 16:18; NIV)   Pray over your food and water, and say, “Your Word says, in Mark 16:18 that I can pick up snakes and drink deadly poison and it will not hurt me.  I am asking in Jesus’ name that you remove all toxins and poisons from my food and water today.  I choose as an act of my will to lay my hands on my body, and it is healed.”

As we progress in these lessons, we will talk about unhealthy food choices, healing our bodies, movement, and medicine.  We will also talk about ways of how to get your family on board with this new lifestyle.  REMEMBER YOU ARE LIKE GOD AND SPEAK THOSE THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE.   

Write down all your medications that you are taking, and petition to God, in His timing, that you can decrease them and eliminate them. 

Petition God, to help you decide the best exercises for you to start off with.  He may say stretching, or walking; He may say chair sitting exercises, or join a cycling class.  He may say get out and mow the lawn or rake the grass.  Be obedient and do what He says.  (Again, I am pointing the finger at myself.)

Holy Spirit is your guide and teacher.  If you haven’t invited Him to dwell inside you, like you did when you asked Jesus to become your Lord and Saviour, ask Him.  He is your power source and will speak to you from the inside like Jesus does, not the outside.  They both sound the same at first, but slowly you will tell them apart.  They will not tell you to do anything outside of the Word, so know the Word.

“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.  Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”  (Mark 16:19, 20; NIV)

In the next lesson, we are going to take our petition into the Courtroom of Heaven.  Yes, we are stepping into Heaven and presenting our petition face to face with the Father, and Jesus and Holy Spirit and your guardian angel will be with you.

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