January 1st to 8th we talked about Revelations 6: 1-8
January 9th – 19th we talked about Tell-A-Vison – Getting Started
January 20th – 28th we talked about How Do We Start – Basics of the Basics
“When you’re deceived, you step into fear. And because fear is not based on truth, it causes you to make wrong decisions.” Leon Fontaine
If today was September 3rd, 1939, the remnant, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. On September 3rd, 1939, Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced the beginning of Australia’s involvement in the Second World War. India entered into the war on this day as well. On September 4th, South Africa joined the War. On September 10th, Canada also joined in the War.
Where would we be today, if the commonwealth countries did not step up to the plate and decide to defend themselves from evil? We would be living in a different world today.
If today was January 1st, 2020, and the remnant of the church didn’t stand up against evil once again, where would we be? I know many of you do not know what has happened and is happening in the spiritual realm during this season but keep reading and you will see clearly if you do not allow deception to cloud your understanding and wisdom any longer.
The above statement made by the late Leon Fontaine says, fear from deception causes you to make wrong decisions. Covid-19 brought some people to such fear, they melted. They went crazy. Who goes out and buys hundreds of rolls of toilet paper? The world was brought to their knees, from fear of a disease, we later find out is nothing more than a flu. People have been dying from a flu for thousands of years. Remember last month we spoke about Hitler lying to the people about Poland bombing them? We were lied to about how many people were really dying from Covid.
There was a small remnant of people who started declaring the truth. ‘By His strips we are healed.’ ‘No weapon forged against us will prosper.’ As the world went into a state of emergency, the remnant started to gain wisdom and truth. As this truth was revealed, it removed the fear and God stepped in to show us the way. “…you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.” The truth is: ALL SICKNESS AND DISEASE COMES FROM HELL. ALL means everything that causes death, weakness and illness comes from hell.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 2nd, 2023 (5783)
All death, sickness and diseases come from Hell. So, speak against it, don’t claim it.
This is why the 12-step programs infuriates me. I am not against anyone who believes in the 12-step programs, I am against the one who created it. Alcoholism is not a disease; it is not incurable, and it has no power over you unless you allow it too. If you know of one thing that Jesus is powerless over, let me know.
On February 6th, 2022, God said to me: Satan wrote the 12-step program. He seized the opportunity to not only dominate the “drunkards” but to dominate the sober “drunkards” and as a bonus – capture the loved ones of the ‘drunkards.”
Satan caused many people in World War two to feel powerless. Satan caused many in 2020 to feel powerless. How many people do you know today, that say, “I am powerless over alcohol. I am powerless over this situation. I am powerless over Covid-19”? If you are one who is deceived into believing you are powerless over anything, that is where you need to focus your attention first.
God says fools are powerless. The deceived are powerless. Those who are unwise are powerless.
Do you remember Moses in the Old Testament? He is the one chosen to face Pharaoh and say, “let my people go.” God told His children to go inside and place the blood over their doors. Death came and entered the homes of those who did not put the blood over the door and on the door posts. If you were a Jew, and you did not put blood over the door, Death would have entered. If you are a Christian and did not put the blood over your home, in other words, speak it over your home and believe in your heart, Death enters into your house.
What happened in 2020? We entered our homes. The remnant woke up and started to declare, not in my house. Not in my church. Not in my city. Not in my country. Remnant means “a small remaining quantity of something.” Many churches had remained closed for months, years. The hid in fear and denial, even when their congregations started saying what the Word says. Prophets started coming out of the woodwork, just as they did in World War Two and afterwards.
People hid from the enemy instead of putting on their armour and facing him. People today are still scared of Satan and his demons. Why? God has given us everything we need to make dust out of them. The Jewish people died by the millions. Would that many have died if they would have listened to God and marched against the enemy? Remember Joshua and Caleb. Two out of 12 believed God. Two out of millions entered the promise land. Think about that. Are you part of the remnant, or part of the masses?
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 3rd, 2023 (5783)
Revelations 6:2 “I looked, and there before me was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.”
Do you recall on December 24th, 2022, I posted a video of ‘Mrs. Santa Claus’ boasting that Santa and herself were vaccinated? I told you that I would explain it as if the bible were telling you who you should marry and where you should live. Here we go…over the next few days, be prepared to be told.
I left my church because of this verse. I sent my Pastor a detailed letter explaining this passage and what it meant. I sent documents that supported my findings. And I heard back, “the rider is Jesus because it is a white horse. I believe we are supposed to bring love to the city and that is what I want to do. I don’t want to fight.”
Its rider…who is on a white horse. Yes, Jesus will return on a white horse, but this rider is riding in an outlaw gang. The rider is riding beside Death and Hades is following behind. Now, I really, honestly believe, that Jesus would have nothing to do with this gang, let alone ride with them. If you believe otherwise, please write me why and also include scripture to back up your beliefs.
Its rider was given a crown:
First recorded in 1555–65; from Latin corōna “garland, crown” (see crown), from Greek korṓnē “crown, curved object”; https://www.dictionary.com/browse/corona
Why is it called coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are named for their appearance: “corona” means “crown.” The virus’s outer layers are covered with spike proteins that surround them like a crown. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus
Word: stefanoj
Pronounce: stef’-an-os
Strongs Number: G4735
Orig: from an apparently primary stepho (to twine or wreathe); a chaplet (as a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor generally; but more conspicuous and elaborate than the simple fillet, 1238), literally or figuratively:–crown. G1238
Use: TDNT-7:615,1078 Noun Masculine
Heb Strong: H73 H3632 H3880 H5850
1) a crown
Its rider held a bow. Word: toxon
Pronounce: tox’-on
Strongs Number: G5115
Orig: from the base of 5088; a bow (apparently as the simplest fabric):–bow. G5088
Use: Noun Neuter
1) a bow
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech tox’-on Noun Neuter |
Definition |
a bow |
, toxone (tok’sŏn, tok’sōn),
A hypothetical bacterial product, of feeble toxicity and weak affinity for antitoxin.
a particular kind of antibody produced in the body in response to the presence of a toxin; see also immunity. adj., adj an´titoxic.
<a href=”https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/toxon”>toxon</a>
tox•ic /ˈtɑksɪk/ adj.
- of or relating to a toxin or poison:a toxic condition.
- having the effect of a poison; poisonous:a toxic drug.
- Greek toxikón (origin, originally short for toxikòn phármakon literally, bow poison, i.e., poison used on arrows), equivalent. to tóx(on) bow + -ikon, neuter of -ikos -ic
- Late Latin toxicus poisonous, adjective, adjectival derivative of Latin toxicum poison
- 1655–65
I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider (a demon) held a bow (poison dart/poison arrow), and he was given a crown (corona), and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
Poison dart or arrow – vaccine
For those who say, ya but, according to the dictionary, it wasn’t until 1555. God wrote Revelations explaining the end from the beginning. Don’t you think He knew that?
You need to pray and ask God what the truth is for yourself. I got you started above with medical definitions. Layman definitions. Greek and Strong’s definitions. What do you hear God telling you?
We know covid-19 is manmade and the vaccine is manmade.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 4th, 2023 (5783)
Revelation 6:3 “When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”
The Lamb is opening the seal. Jesus.
6:4 “Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.”
We have seen the US pull out of Afghanistan, causing many to be put to death. We have seen elections being stolen. We have seen the beginning of the war between Ukraine and Russia. China and Taiwan. The Canadian government trying to take away guns and freedom of speech from its people and telling people to have assisted medical suicide. Look at Australia where police officers were beating people for not wearing their masks. Pastor’s being arrested for opening their church doors. People being arrested for peacefully protesting.
6:5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
Have you been to a grocery store lately? There is plenty of food on the shelves, at least where I live, but people are not buying as much. People are going into debt buying food. So, this begs the question, is there a shortage of food, or shortage of money to buy the food?
“The key is to remember that this “famine” is ongoing just as the wars and rumors of wars of the second horseman and the deceptions of the first horseman are. There are occasional lulls of plenty, but the experience of history is that most of the time, the ordinary individual is just getting by. Just as God predicted in Genesis 3:17-19, he labors and toils to eke out a miserable living only to die, worn out and broken in a few, short years. The third horseman’s job is to follow his red brother’s devastating wars with oppression, corruption, and scarcity so that men stay weak and poor and many die.” Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Is Satan trying to convince you that God is not enough? Is he trying to get as much of the wealth as possible to fund his take over and to form a One World Government? Is he trying to convince you, that you need him to provide for you? Those who are trying to form the One World Government have stated that, there are three classes of people, surfs, slaves, and them the leaders.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 5th, 2023 (5783)
Revelations 6:7, 8 “When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It’s rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.”
Pale is green. Revelation 6:8, NLT: I looked up and saw a horse whose color was pale green.
When you hear green, what do you think of?
Yosef Abramowitz imitated Moses’s smashing of the 10 biblical commandments in a demonstration against climate change.
Published: NOVEMBER 21, 2022 11:54
What are you talking about? The 10 Green Commandments.
Activists smash tablets atop ‘Mount Sinai’ to launch faith-based climate push
Saying officials gathered at COP summit need to do more, Sinai Climate Partnership will seek to recruit religious leaders globally to lobby for faster action on climate change
By SUE SURKES 13 November 2022, 9:53 pm
‘Emotion and pain’ as Dutch farmers fight back against huge cuts to livestock
Farmers express fury at government drive to tackle nitrogen pollution through a major reduction in numbers of pigs, cattle and chickens in the Netherlands
The goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer use by 30 per cent kicked up more dust than a tractor on a grid road when it was first announced by the federal Liberal government last summer. (Canada)
All of this is under the banner of a ONE WORLD Government.
Read the headlines. What are we going to do with less food production? Taking people’s livelihoods away from them. No one but God can destroy the Earth. It is written in His Word.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 6th, 2023 (5783)
We have been talking about Revelations 6. Is it time for the tribulation? No, but Satan is trying to push it into being. He is leaving an impression in the Earth of how it will come about in God’s timing. But we have to stand against it because it is evil. Just like the Commonwealth Countries in September 1939 who stood against Hitler.
How can the green commandments be evil? Look who is running the show.
Klaus Schwab speaks at G20 pushing “Great Reset”
The Great Reset: “What we have to confront is a deep, systemic, and structural restricting of our world. And this will take some time, and the world will look differently after we’ve gone through this transition process. … A transition into a multi-polar world which has a tendency to make our world much more fragmented.”
The Great Reset, as envisioned by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab in June 2020, is a plan for what the world should look like after the coronavirus pandemic ends. Schwab stated “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” In essence, the Great Reset asks the question of how to prepare for a more sustainable future, and it promotes more global governmental and corporate cooperation in order to solve the world’s most pressing problems, including poverty, income inequality, and climate change. https://www.mediamatters.org/climate-deniers/great-reset-conspiracy-theory-hotbed-climate-denial
World Economic Forum Advisor, Yuval Noah Harari: “If you’re left behind you’re facing something far worse, which is to be completely irrelevant, they won’t even need you as a serf or a slave”.
https://youtu.be/PpMmbCdf5YY (Watch this)
According to Yuval Noah Harari who is the advisor to the World Economic Forum says, if you disagree you will be “irrelevant, ‘they’ won’t even need you as a serf or a slave.” Tomorrow I am going to show you how you can fight this with words.
You can choose to say that Sister Tina is making all this up trying to deceive. Revelations is going to come to pass when the church is gone. The remnant is holding Satan back from bring it to pass in this time. He has shown his hand at how it is going to happen. If you don’t believe me, watch and listen to Kenneth Copeland, Pastors Terri and George Pearsons, Jerry Savelle, Pastors Drenda and Gary Keesee, Prophet Robin and Pastor Robin Bullock, Prophet Hank and Pastor Brenda Kunneman, the late Prophet Kim Clement, Prophet Amanda Grace, Prophet Kat Kerr, Prophet Kent Christmas, Evangelist Jesse Duplantis. Start watching Elijah Streams and Flashpoint. There are other Prophets and Pastors not listed here who will speak these things. (Tomorrow, I want to explain how prophecy works and how we as a body works.)
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 7th, 2023 (5783)
Take your eyes off your circumstances and put them on Jesus and then you will see.
I asked God about how the body works and how prophecy works, and He gave me a simple example.
We are called the body of Christ. Jesus is the head. He is the brain, the eyes, the ears, the nose, and the mouth. We are everything below that. The bible says, from the heart the mouth speaks. The heart is not in the head. The heart (which is the soul and made up of the mind, will and emotions) is in the centre of the body. When we speak the Word of God, we sound like Jesus, because we have been given authority to speak in His name.
The body has major and minor organs. The heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, stomach, ect. The entire body has blood veins running throughout it. There are the bones which give us structure and ligaments that hold the bones together and allow movement. There are 206 bones in the human body. There are trillions of blood cells and “Believe it or not, there are over 7 trillion nerves in the human body. All these nerves are part of what’s known as your body’s nervous system. You can think of nerves as your body’s electrical wiring — they transmit signals between your brain, spinal cord, and the rest of your body.” Important Nerves in the Body and What They Do https://www.northeastspineandsports.com
So, if we have major and minor organs that need blood and signals to function within the body, that means we as Christians need blood and signals to function within the body of Christ. The major and minor organs need support and instructions to operate the way they are supposed too. We need the support of the bones and the movement of the ligaments. If our heart is not healthy, it is not pumping enough oxygen into our bodies. If the stomach is not healthy it is not digesting the food properly and the waste is entering into the blood stream through tiny holes in the lining, known as leaky gut.
If you are called to be a cell that carries messages to parts of the body, and that part of the body refuses to listen or is blocked, what do you do? Suppose you were called to carry messages to other parts of the body; however, you decide you would rather be a rib bone? A rib bone is a solid piece of the body that doesn’t move around. They have an important job of protecting the major and minor organs of the body as well as giving strength to the upper body. You are meant to deliver messages which involves traveling and speaking with authority to others. But you have chosen to be stationary and to be strong and protective. How well do you think you will do at your job? Will you become easily bored because you are not out there moving around or find you don’t have the strength to handle the arrows flying at you from all directions from the enemy? Every part of the body has an important job to do, and every body part has strengths and weaknesses just like people do. You need to do the job God has assigned to you, otherwise you are not an asset to the body. I don’t want a nerve cell in my body trying to be a rib bone.
Prophecy is the telling of the future. Everyone has this gift from God. Everyone has the ability to speak what their future will hold. For good or evil. I can prophesize that I am a rib bone and convince my heart I am a rib bone; but God has called me to be a nerve cell. I can go to school to become a rib bone, and practice being a rib bone; and when I get to Heaven I expect to be rewarded as a rib bone, only to find out there is no reward, because I didn’t fulfill my calling to be a nerve cell.
A person who is called to be a prophet speaks what God says, no matter the cost. There are various kinds of prophets. Some are called to be prophets over a certain area, or they speak to individuals instead of to a mass group. Some prophets can see their prophecy come to pass in their lifetime, and some do not, like Isiah never seen Jesus, however, he said he would come. Prophets do not see everything. You can have ten prophets speak about one event God has planned and hear ten different prophecies. Each prophet is reasonable to speak their part, not the whole part.
I am going to paraphrase Prophet Robin D. Bullock: “You have to walk towards the prophecy. You have to call that prophecy into your today.” That means you speak out your prophecy into tomorrow, so that prophecy comes into your today. This is why I call it, A Daily Walk in Tomorrow. Recently we talked about a prophetic word Robin spoke. He said, the train is coming and will take 12 months to unload. He gave the word, and he is speaking this over his household, his ministry, his congregation, and partners. I heard the Word spoken, I received the Word spoken, I shared the Word I heard, and I declare the train will stop at my house. I can choose to receive the Word, but that is not going to bring that train to my house. Robin can declare the Word, but I must do my part and activate the Word in my life.
Isaiah spoke that a saviour was coming. It was spoken and spoken, and belief started to come and then faith started to come and soon watchmen started to look for the coming. It took seven hundred years to get Jesus into the world. It has been 2000 years and He still has not returned. But now, the prophets are saying, it is here. The last days. There is debate whether it is a hand full of years away or a hundred plus years, but you can feel the charge in the air. I am on the first train out of here. I will watch the tribulation from Heaven, thank you.
You are a prophet over your own life. There is an office of the Prophet, and they are held by people like Robin D. Bullock, Hank Kunneman and Kenneth Copeland. When you hear the Word of a prophet and receive it, you need to start prophesying it over your own life and start calling it in. Most are talking about the wealth transfer that God promised. Start calling it in. You need to be active in sowing seed in order to get the transfer personally; however, keep calling the wealth into the house of God. The money needs to come into God’s house; and it will come from the wealth of the sinner. We need to have the money to prepare for the billions of souls that will come in during the end times and to drain the accounts of Satan, so he goes into the tribulation poor.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 8th, 2023 (5783)
On January 6th, I wrote, “According to Yuval Noah Harari who is the advisor to the World Economic Forum says, if you disagree you will be “irrelevant, ‘they’ won’t even need you as a serf or a slave.” Tomorrow I am going to show you how you can fight this with words.”
Yuval Noah Harari, is a false prophet, trying to be the false prophet. Yesterday we talked about the body, that each person was sent by God to operate in a certain part of the body. We talked about how we are responsible for hearing the word spoken by a prophet, a true prophet, and speak it out to bring it to pass. We don’t, like the prophet have to know it all, we just need to speak what we do know.
It is kinda like the song, “I am Dreaming of a White Christmas.” I get frustrated with people who say, we need to have a white Christmas, snow needs to fall on Christmas Eve, it wouldn’t feel like Christmas without snow and in the next breath, curses snow at Christmas because they can’t travel because of poor roads or flight cancelations. Why are you cursing? You got what you wanted. So many people spoke it into existence, that we got what we asked for.
Another thing that frustrates me is, Marijuana. It is harmless, they say. Let’s legalise it so we can just go buy it on the street or in a building without being arrested. Have you seen people who have given up drinking and turned to marijuana? It does the same thing, altars the mind. They are turning from one dependence to another. But the people said….majority rules. The people said…it over and over and over.
Have you heard about MAiD in Canada? “Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for people whose sole medical condition is mental illness was set to become legal in Canada in March 2023. On December 15, 2022 the government announced its plans to temporarily delay MAiD eligibility for people whose sole medical condition is mental illness.” Since March 17, 2021, people have been granted permission by the government of Canada to die by a medical professional. Veterans and the elder have gone to the government for help and are offered MAiD. They don’t want to die; they want help to survive. According to Yuval Noah Harari who is the advisor to the World Economic Forum says, if you disagree you will be “irrelevant, ‘they’ won’t even need you as a serf or a slave.”
In this 30 second clip Harari talks about how God could only create tomatoes and giraffes, but man can create cyborgs and be beyound the God of the bible. https://youtu.be/BpY_TomP06U
People are listening to this and speaking it out. These people have the money and the government support. Do you believe that God only created organic life? Do you believe that as human beings, we can go beyound God? That is so dumb. God created you, formed you, and you think you can go beyound Him? Doesn’t the Word say, fear Him who can snuff you out?
People get so mad at me when I say, you are living what you choose to live. They say things like, “I can’t leave because I am too poor.” Guess what, you can’t leave because you are too poor. “I can’t break up the family, my husband ignores us, yells at us, but he is a good father.” Repeat that to me, as I can’t understand what you just said. He is a good father, but ignores you, gets drunk and yells at you. “But when he is sober, he is not like that. That is the man I love.” So, he is a part time father and husband, who over time is showing up less and less, yet, he is a good father? “…if you disagree you will be “irrelevant, ‘they’ won’t even need you as a serf or a slave.”
I believe that Satan wrote the 12-step program, and he called alcoholism a disease. God calls it a sin. According to MAiD, you can apply to the government to be professionally injected and die. You are the wife of an alcoholic? Are you worn out from dealing with this alcoholic who has an incurable disease? Don’t turn to the God of the bible because we now as medical professionals have gone beyound the God of the bible. We have made artificial intelligence now. Yes, now. It is happening, now.
Jesus said, seek FIRST the kingdom. Focus on me, He says. IF this is the first time you have heard any of this, where have you been? It has been in the headlines, off the mainstream news media since 2020.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 9th, 2023 (5783)
“We are gardeners and field workers laboring with God. You are the vineyard, the garden, the house where God dwells.” 1 Corinthians 3:9 (Voice)
Throughout World War Two, many countries came on board to promote Victory Gardens, sometimes referred to as War Gardens. As the war went into 1940, food started to be rationed. “In January 1940, the British government introduced food rationing. The scheme was designed to ensure fair shares for all at a time of national shortage…. Certain key commodities were also rationed – petrol in 1939, clothes in June 1941 and soap in February 1942. The end of the war saw additional cuts. Bread, which was never rationed during wartime, was put on the ration in July 1946.” https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-you-need-to-know-about-rationing-in-the-second-world-war
If you lived in the United States, rationing did not start until January 1942, and the first thing rationed was tires. In Britain the war had be raging for over two years. “Rationing began on 8th January 1940 when bacon, butter and sugar were rationed. By 1942 many other foodstuffs, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs and cooking fat were also ‘on the ration’.
This is a typical weekly food ration for an adult:
- Bacon & Ham 4 oz
- Other meat value of 1 shilling and 2 pence (equivalent to 2 chops)
- Butter 2 oz
- Cheese 2 oz
- Margarine 4 oz
- Cooking fat 4 oz
- Milk 3 pints
- Sugar 8 oz
- Preserves 1 lb every 2 months
- Tea 2 oz
- Eggs 1 fresh egg (plus allowance of dried egg)
- Sweets 12 oz every 4 weeks
Yes, I know what you are thinking…This doesn’t look like much, right?
In fact, ordinary people survived on such rations, although those who produced their own food were able to have that little bit extra.” https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Rationing-in-World-War-Two/
Look at the scripture verse for today, “We are gardeners and field workers laboring with God.” The key word is ‘with’. So many people think God is in control and He can do what He wants. God doesn’t work that way. We need to labour with God. Just like the people living during the time of the war, they dug up backyards, side yards, front yards, vacant lots, public parks, wherever they could find land, and planted a garden, calling them Victory Gardens.
People who went out and planted and reaped, got extra. The people who went and dug up the ground, planted seeds, watered, and weeded, ate fresh produce, and ate canned food throughout the winter; they had extra. This is the law of sowing and reaping. One seed planted, yields many seeds harvested.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 10th, 2023 (5783)
Yesterday we started with 1 Corinthians 3:9 from the Voice. “You are the vineyard, the garden, the house where God dwells.” Yesterday we also mentioned that food rationing was in full swing by January 1940, and that the beginning of the Victory Garden Campaign started shortly afterwards. Although Victory Gardens happened during WW1, Australia launched a Dig for Victory campaign in 1942, Eleanor Roosevelt planted a Victory Garden on the White House lawn in 1943.
Governments around the world started promoting Victory Gardens, using slogans, posters, brochures and making films to speak out the word of growing your own food for Victory. Those few seeds bloomed into gardens around the world producing food to be consumed throughout the year. In 1 Corinthians 3:9, it says we are the garden, the house where God dwells. Last year we used the slogan God gave me, WE CAN KNOW NOTHING BUT VICTORY. Why? Because God is in us. He is planted in us. When we receive Jesus, He steps inside of us and lives there, in our spirit. When we receive Holy Spirit, He steps inside of us, and lives there. Our job is to work with them to dig out weeds, plant seeds and bring life of abundance to ourselves, our family, and our community.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 11th, 2023 (5783)
During World War Two, there were people who were too lazy to work, to full of fear to fight and who refused to be an asset to themselves or their community. Then there were people who fought hard not only in battles on foreign land, but on the home front too. Women were focused to work in factories, as well as learning how to be electricians, pilots to test fly airplanes, and became ironworkers. Some of these women worked 12-to-16-hour days, up to 7 days a week. Some went home after work, to children who needed to be fed, houses that needed to be cleaned, and gardens needing weeding. We think nothing of doing laundry; however, many of these women had no washing machines or hot running water. Many did not even have electricity in their homes.
In Britain, homes were bombed, and people lived in shelters. Children were shipped over seas or placed in homes in the country. Grandmothers were raising their children’s children and trying to figure out ways to provide clothing and food for them all over the world, while their mother’s worked in factories and their father’s fought in the war. Telegrams were delivered daily to women telling them their husbands would not be coming home. Mother’s longed to hold their children who were living in foster homes throughout the countries.
Where was God? God was working within us. He was giving strength to the soldiers. He was helping mother’s stretch food as far as it would go. He was guiding the leaders of the country. He was dwelling in His tents, which are His children. God promised to never leave us, nor forsake us. But people leave Him all the time. Have you ever prayed in the morning, and left God there at the kitchen table as you left for work? Have you ever arrived at work, and felt overwhelmed as you sat at your desk with mounds of papers around you, wondering how you were going to get things done?
If you daily ask God to help you throughout your day, He will. If you take Him to work, He will help you there. If you take God shopping, He will help you buy what you need and help you find the deals. If you pray for protection, He will protect you. If you pray that He remove the toxins and poisons from your food, He will. “We are gardeners and field workers laboring with God.” LABOURING! That means working with Him.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 12th, 2023 (5783)
I am sure you know Christians at work, at church or have family members who say they are Christian, but do everything for themselves, know everything and are demanding, unforgiving and filled with fear. That is everything, we are not supposed to be. God says, do not fear, for I am with you. God says forgive your enemies and pray for them. God says, I will protect you, and feed you, and cloth you. So, why are there so many Christians who say, “I don’t know what to do? I don’t know how to pay for this. I am sick because the flu is going around?”
Because they trust in themselves, not God. They know what is best for themselves, not God. King David said, he had never seen God’s children begging for bread. Over the last few days, we have talked about food rationing and the work people did during the war. None of that was God’s best for His people, but God also knew that if people didn’t stand up to the enemy, the enemy would rule over them. We still live in a fallen world and the enemy is coming against us wherever there is a weakness in our armour. God even said, after Christ rules and reigns on Earth for 1000 years, the devil will be released for a time to tempt those who are born over those 1000 years. There will still be evil people on the planet who will hate Christ and not obey Him.
As a believer, you will go to Heaven during the tribulation, and you will return to Earth for 1000 years to rule and reign with Christ. What testimony will you be bringing back to Earth to teach the people who had survived the tribulation and now are multiply on the Earth? Will it be courage to stand, trust in God, faith to believe or how to build a community? Or will it be, I made it to Heaven on my last breath of life, because I lived for myself, addicted to drugs and alcohol or I was beaten down and depressed about how my life was under the hand of someone addicted to alcohol.
God says very clearly throughout the Word, our lessons and how we live will affect our ruling and reigning with Christ. If you don’t learn you are a King, and how to rule over angels who are subject to us, how can you rule and reign upon returning to Earth? If you can’t get your laundry done and you complain constantly that your kids are monsters, how can you rule and reign over lands? You are to obey Christ, our leader. If you cannot obey Him now, what is going to change when He returns and starts handing out kingdoms on earth?
We are eternal beings. That means we are going to rule and reign with Christ forever. Earth is where we learn who we are; just as Jesus had to do. Jesus sacrificed himself for us. He wasn’t wimpy and weak. He learned how to rule and reign. His kingdom is established. If you died tomorrow, what kind of kingdom will you rule and reign over? People like Kenneth Copeland and Dietrich Bonhoeffer will have a larger kingdom than me. Why? Look what they rule over on Earth.
People who have been to Heaven have said that there are Universities there. People have jobs there. People develop their gifts there. There are people creating and using their talent there. There are also people hiking, camping, picnicking, and having rodeos there. This is my thoughts; yes, I want to see Heaven and enjoy the theme parks, travel throughout Heaven, and experience the seas and mountains, and visit with family and eat cheesecake with Jesus; however, the thought of spending time with the Prophets and teachers learning about the bible and how to rule and reign excites me. As in Heaven – as on the Earth.
Do you remember reading that Jesus said, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 13th, 2023 (5783)
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24; KJV)
Are you living a divided life? Is your house divided? Is your bank account screaming at you to save more and more and not give to God? Do you trust yourself or God more? Does God’s Word mean more to you than what you see and know? Painful, I know. I still ask myself these things, and still find pins hiding in the carpet and step on them.
God will meet you where you are. He doesn’t care if you know Him not or you know Him very well, He has plans to bring you higher. The bible calls it, going from glory to glory. God is endless. You will always be called to come up higher, put more faith out there, give more, learn more. What does your testimony look like? I know in December, I kept at trying to get you to challenge yourself. I said over and over, just do something new! Why? Because by doing something new, you are learning to do things you never did before. To stretch yourself.
That is how faith grows. That is how trust grows. That is how your dependence on God grows. The Pantry and/or Wartime Challenge is not about food, it is not about trying new recipes and learning to change your diet or taste buds. These are the by-products of the challenge. They are the signs and wonders. The challenge is to make you more dependant on God. To challenge your faith to grow.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 14th, 2023 (5783)
Yesterday we talked about challenging our faith. How do you know where your faith is? Can you easily give away your very last one hundred dollars? Can you give away your house or walk away from a job that is not good for you? Do you hang onto that gifted set of dishes or can you give them away, if God asks you too? If God asks you to give 15% of your income away, can you? Are you arguing with God that you need that 15% for the power bill? If God says…not if Satan says, or my spouse says, or my church says…IF GOD SAYS.
That is the difference. If God says. Now there are certain things we know in the bible that God says. God says tithe 10%. God says, give a drink of water…well what is the water and how deep is the well? I know people who complain about giving up a bottle of water. I have given a car away, a house, antiques, and money. There are times when I struggled to give groceries away or an article of clothing. What helps is looking back at a pervious challenge and knowing that God is trustworthy. God is not going to ask me to have faith in an area I have much faith. He is going to challenge me where I have enough faith to believe, but know it is time to grow that faith.
Let’s take this Pantry and/or Wartime Challenge. I have enough faith to believe that God will look after me for 2 months during this challenge. I have set aside a certain amount of money to do one trip to the grocery store to buy meat, eggs, and pet food. I have purchased food before the challenge to get me through. I have sown seed into a local food bank. I have asked God in faith and believed for help. I have recalled the many times that God has provided for me in the past. I am confident that God is for me and not against me and He will carry me through.
Now let’s pretend that God says at the end of this challenge, “now next year, you need to prepare food for the challenge without going to the grocery store once for 2 months”. That is bringing me up higher. Now I can ignore God and say no. I can obey God and say yes. God has given me 10 months to prepare for the challenge. I can plant and harvest more. I can buy a new freezer and start buying a little more meat each month to ease the burden finically at the end of the year. I can learn new ways to cook, harvest and preserve. Now let’s pretend God says nothing all through the year 2024 and on December 31st, 2024, He says, you are going to do the pantry challenge for 2 months.” I may or may not have prepared because He has not warned me; however, I can say yes or no. From the past, I know if I am prepared, I can do it. God, doesn’t want to have you stay in the nest for the rest of your life. You need to learn His ways and jump out of the nest and fly. If He said, do it, I know I can rely on Him because I have experience that He will and because the Word says He will.
Are you starting to see why challenges can be so important and how being prepared in Season, out of SEASON is so important as well?
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 15th, 2023 (5783)
On January 13th, I wrote, “I know in December, I kept at trying to get you to challenge yourself. I said over and over, just do something new! Why? Because by doing something new, you are learning to do things you never did before. To stretch yourself.” As I was rereading what I wrote, I got a vision:
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 16th, 2023 (5783)
Sixteen days into the new year already. How time is flying, or so it seems. I know you are hard at work with bringing life to the visions God has given you over the last few weeks. Are you also declaring and decreeing that the train is coming? Are you telling the train to stop at your house? Are you claiming Proverbs 13:22, “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous”? Are you telling your seed to produce the Maximum because you are expecting The Highest Level Attainable. For some it is 10 times, for others it is 60-fold and for others it is 1000 times. God will rejoice and meet with you wherever your faith is.
If you are doing the money challenge, keep claiming, Proverbs 13:11, “but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.”
If you are doing the Pantry and/or Wartime Challenge, remember that this is about building trust with God. Watch how He brings the Highest Level Attainable in your life.
Meditate on the slogans, “I am not powerless over anything, and my life is not unmanageable.” “I CAN KNOW NOTHING BUT VICTORY.” “I am prepared in season, out of season.”
And finally, stand with Kenneth Copeland by declaring, “God’s Word is my final authority!”
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 17th, 2023 (5783)
“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:1
Yesterday, I wrote, “and my life is not unmanageable.” Whether you believe your life is or not, keep saying this. If you haven’t heard me, say this before, I will repeat it, “you get what you say. Speak the end from the beginning and bring the end into your beginning. Keep walking daily in your tomorrow.”
Every year, I seem to have many of the same things on my vision board. It is not that I do not check things off, the thing is, God wants to bring me to a higher level than I was at last year. I am much better at decluttering than I was five years ago, even though, it is on my list every year. Giving things away has become much easier, and not over buying and hoarding things isn’t as much a problem either. My finances are improving each year, I learn more and more about handling money properly, and getting a clearer vision on my vision. I don’t say, “my finances are a mess, it is totally unmanageable.” I say, “I know where my money is going, I know what to invest in, I see my bills paid in full each month, and I have a growing savings account.” I learned that back when I was $32,000 in credit card debt. If I had to choose the hardest thing to control and learn, it is finances.
I formed ungodly habits when I was a child. Money didn’t mean anything. I was uncontrolled with money and credit cards. Satan drew me in with flashy sales, making me believe that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I better buy it while it is on sale. Even better, buy two or three. On credit no doubt, where I pay interest on my purchases and never use the blessed thing. Four years later, frustration takes over because I have no place to put the three things that I have never used, and after shuffling them from here to there, I get rid of them. Do I still fall for the line, buy now because you will miss out on a good thing? Yes, yes, I do. Do I run ahead of God, knowing I need something, and just out of the blue, order it on Amazon instead of waiting for permission from God to order it. Yes, yes, I do. Do I declare and decree such as thing? No, no I do not. My life is not manageable.
So, you are teaching about money on the Money Challenge, and you are still challenged by money? Yes, yes, I am. Have you read Matthew 13? The seed falls on hard ground, rocky ground, shallow ground, among thorns, and on good soil. Trust me, I know. What happens when I learn something from God, I hear it, it gets planted and then tested. I either succeed or fail. I will get tested and tested and tested until I pass. And when I pass, I will be tempted. Testing and tempted are two different things.
Testing comes to see where the seed is. Each time you are tested, hopefully you learn something new and apply that learning. Each time you are tested, your faith and knowledge grow. It is an ongoing process. This brings you to growing your faith. God is gracious and when we repent, we are forgiven. God will help us, teach us and He knows where our heart truly is. Tempted comes from Satan. He cannot tempt us with something we do not know. Satan went to Jesus to tempt Him to turn a stone into bread. He could tempt Jesus to do this, because it was possible for Jesus to turn a stone to bread. Satan cannot tempt me with this, because it is not possible for me to turn a stone into bread, my faith is not at that level. However, I can be tempted to purchase something on my credit card that is on sale, because I know better. When I was a child and thought like a child, I didn’t comprehend that I need to pay off my credit card before the due date, in order to not be charged interest. If I didn’t pay it off for one year, I paid for interest on top of interest. Simple really, but it wasn’t in my heart.
In this area, my heart was like a stone. I have been hammering for a while now, and it is starting to crack and get broken up. I am adding compost, good soil, and fertilizer, challenging myself to grasp this weak area of my life. If I stop working at it, I will lose everything I have gained so far. I know for some, financial areas in your life are easy peasy. Whether you had good advice as a child or you have a gifting from God in that area, you might be way beyound needing to be coached or even tempted by Satan, because your heart in that area is good soil. God’s best is being debt free, having money in your savings account, and always having more than enough. Debt free is living in the houses you want to live in, without a mortgage. Debt free is paying cash for new vehicles. I am not there yet, but my finances are not unmanageable, and I am not powerless over changing and growing in this area. One more thing, do not allow condemnation to pile on you either. Dust yourself off, repent, and move on.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 18th, 2023 (5783)
Yesterday we talked about testing and temptation. The scripture verse for the day was, Proverbs 14:1, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” If you would have seen me back in 2014, I was a mess. I was over 32,000 dollars in credit card debt, just separated from my alcohol abuser, I blamed him and others around me for the mess I was in, I didn’t have a clue who I was in Christ, I didn’t know about tithing or seed sowing, I was naked and afraid. I remember being so angry and tormented, I couldn’t sleep, I cried, I let people walk all over me, I was as helpless as a newborn.
Somewhere, somehow, I grasp hold of a seed that was planted in me back in 1996, when I became born again, and I started to pick and choose my food. Remember a few days ago, I described a vision I had with Kenneth Copland. I can’t tell you how many hundreds of hours I have spent in front of my television and computer screen watching and listening to sermons. How many hours listening to teachings on CDs and audio books, while driving, cleaning the house, or sleeping. My spirit doesn’t sleep, so I hear it in the spirit while I sleep. I have read hundreds of books. I have repented. Cleansed my soul. My heart was like a stone. I believed so many lies and did so many things wrong and it all needed to be worked out. Some teachings were simple to believe because the soil had been untouched. I could believe healing easily. It didn’t come overnight, but as I listened and obeyed what God was teaching me, it came quickly compared to finical issues, that I am still working on.
You have heard me say many times, God will take you from glory to glory. We have discussed Matthew 13, the sowing of the seed and how that works. We have talked recently about testing and temptation. This is why we cannot judge people’s motives which comes from their heart. We can judge past behaviours, but not the heart. This took me a while to learn too.
I am not wise is every area of my life equally. I am building my house on the foundation of Christ. The stones, one by one are building the walls. I am not living in fear anymore, but in peace. I am not a doormat anymore; I will stand up for myself. I am not afraid of losing my job or losing my finances. I am not afraid of demons; they are nothing more than flies that need to be batted away. I am not afraid of darkness, my light forces back the darkness. When I need to, I hold court and judge angels. I have learned much and have much more to learn. You too can learn. There are somethings you will learn quickly and others, like me, you will need to use picks and hammers on.
Challenge yourself with something. Learn something new.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 19th, 2023 (5783)
Start paying attention to what you are watching on TV. What are you feeding yourself?
I posted a video of Prophet Robin D. Bullock recently, and he was giving you a warning about your children. He said that musicians who wrote their own songs, would not allow their children to listen to them, but they allow your children to listen to them. If you won’t let your children watch what you are watching, maybe you shouldn’t be watching it.
What you see you live. What you see you walk towards. If you are watching adultery on the television set (Tell A Vision) that is entering your heart. If you are watching your (Tell A Vision) set, and seeing and hearing a godly message, that is entering your heart.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 20th, 2023 (5783)
We are starting a new series: How do we start? The basics of basics.
If you remember from last year, we talked a lot about Hebrews 1:3, that we are sustained by the Word. If you don’t know what the Word says, you cannot use it as a weapon. You cannot use it for counsel, and you cannot hear what God is saying, because you don’t know it. Many people come onto this site, hoping to find a magic bullet that will instantly transform their life. They are living in harsh conditions, and want answers how to get out of it, and I write about how I got out and what God’s Word says, but they find it too hard and fade back into their life of misery. Many try it and say it doesn’t work. Trying doesn’t get you anywhere. Have you tried to tie your shoes? What happens when you try? You walk around with your laces undone and trip on the laces. Whose fault is that? Yours. Don’t blame the laces or the shoes, and don’t blame God.
God has provided everything you need to be successful. I know this is hard to believe when you live in chaos, as I was there. Let me repeat that, “God has provided you everything you need to get you to a place of peace, prosperity and love.” Did you know that everything you need can be found in the bible? There is nothing that God did not prepare for ahead of time. Did you know that every word in the bible has a very important part to play in the story of Jesus, redemption, and prophecy? Well, if that is true, why I am not living the life?
You have to get ‘try’ out of your vocabulary. You have to get into the Word and do the work the Word requires. You have to challenge yourself to read the word, hear the word and do what the word says. Don’t try to tackle the Word as a story book or history book. Story books flow from beginning to end, and history books focus on what was, and doesn’t change, or should not change. The Word is living, which means it grows. The more you understand, the more movement you see, the more complex the organism appears. For example, take the human body. At first, you see form, then skin colour, hair length, and whether they are male or female. As you investigate, you find out there are muscles under the skin, and bones, as well as organs. As you dissect the tissue, you see cells and then you see inside the cells. Inside of you is your spirit. A holy temple where Jesus and Holy Spirit live.
I want you today, to look at yourself in the mirror. If you are born again, I want you to look in the mirror and stare at your eyes. As you look yourself in the eye, say, “Jesus is looking at me through my own eyes”. Can you see Jesus looking back at you? You don’t need to go looking for Him, He is inside of you. The one who created the Heaven’s and Earth, is dwelling inside of you. You carry Him wherever you go.
If you haven’t made Jesus the Lord and Saviour of your life, or want to rededicate your life to Him, it is so simple. The Word says to believe in your heart and say it with your mouth, which means out loud. Let the spiritual world know you belong to Him. That’s it. Jesus has just stepped inside of you.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 21st, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
Do you own a bible? If not, go get one. Can’t afford one? The Salvation Army gives bibles away. Most churches will give you a bible. The Gideons will give you a bible. Bibles can cost from a few dollars to hundred dollars. The amount of the bible doesn’t matter, the value is in the Words. You can’t put a price tag on the WORDS.
Which one do I choose? One you will read. There are so many versions. You can still find the Authorized King James Version, which still has the thy and thou, or a modern version like the Message, the Voice, or the Passion translation. You have some that are in between like the NIV or AMPC. No matter which one you choose, someone will say, this one is better or this one isn’t missing anything. Get one and read. Ask God which one is for you.
Where do I start? The beginning, Gospel of John, Romans? When I received my first bible, I read Genesis to Revelations. That was me. Just start. It is okay to mark up your bible. I have every colour of highlighter, every colour of pen and even pencil marks in my bible. I have sticky notes and paper taped to the pages. I have revelation knowledge written in the margins and quotes from Pastors and teachers. I have questions I have asked God. Read, write, and ask questions.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 22nd, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
Journaling. Write down what you are hearing in your spirit as you read the bible. It is not important that you know that you know that you know, it is God’s voice. You will come to know as you practice.
Start hearing the Word. Everyday. Did I say that strongly enough? START HEARING THE WORD EVERYDAY. Whether it is a podcast, audio book or watching it on YouTube or television, listen to a message. Faith comes by hearing. God will lead you to teachers that you can get along with. At first, I listened to Pastors who taught simple basic truth, until God led me to another teacher who was a little tougher, and then to another and another.
You can watch Victory Network, GodTV, Miracle Channel as examples to see different Pastors, Prophets, and teachers to find the ones that teaches you in a way that you understand. Ask God and listen to God. He knows what you need and when you need it. And listen even when you don’t understand the message. Seeds are being planted in you, and as you listen those seeds will grow into understanding.
Every ministry has a special assignment for the body of Christ. Kenneth Copeland teaches faith. Gary Keesee teaches money matters. Terri Foy teaches vision. You have Pastors who teach the basics and a little of everything, but don’t just listen to ones who only teach salvation and baby food. You have Prophetic Ministries as well, such as Church International, One Voice Ministries and Elijah Streams. You have soft spoken ministers such as Andrew Womack, funny ministers such as Jesse Duplantis and captivating ministers such a Cleflo Dollar.
Feast upon the Word in reading books. Listen and watch conventions online. The Victory Channel has the Southwest Believers Convention, July 31st to August 5th. Write it down in your date book. Start building a hunger for the Word. It will change your life.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 23rd, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
The bible says, “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17 (NIV) “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (KJV)
Jesus says in Matthew 13 that as soon as you hear, Satan comes to steal the seed heard. You hear again, and the demons comes to steal that seed. This is why you sometimes believe nothing is happening. We walk by faith not by sight. Just because you don’t see things in the spirit or feel them in your emotions, doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.
Read Mathew 13, ‘The Parable of the Sower.’ Jesus talks about people with itchy ears. They want change, but they don’t want change. They want change on their terms, their timing and they want it this way. For example, I wanted my alcohol abuser to change, because if he changed my circumstances would change and life would be good. That is not true nor was it true. He could change, quit drinking, and grow in the Lord. If I didn’t change, my circumstances might change, (him not drinking) but I would still react the same way, as if, he was still drinking, because my heart is programed to respond to him a certain way.
We have an advisory that wants to steal, kill, and destroy us. He wants us dead. Lifeless. Useless. Intimated by him. He will get us to blame God for our life. He will get us to believe others are holding us back or down. If he can get us to believe that God is mean, demanding and doesn’t listen or care, he can keep us defeated. He wants us to depend on him not God.
Jesus says in Matthew 13:11, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.” SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM. The secrets are written in the Word by the Word. God is not withholding the secrets of the kingdom; they are written down for everyone to discover. The Word continues the teaching of this in chapter thirteen, with the Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast, the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl and the Parable of the Net. Jesus wants you to get it, so you have to knock and knock, seek, and seek.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 24th, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
God wants you to have revelation knowledge. That is His knowledge. His wisdom. His knowing how.
God says throughout the bible, little by little. He says this works whether it is money, knowledge, land, etc. Suppose you read a bible verse, meditate on it, ask Him about it, and come to an understanding of it. You watch a sermon and hear someone teach on that scripture verse. You hear someone else teach on this verse and it agrees with what you had heard from God while studying the verse. Time goes by, and you hear another sermon on it. It deepens the teaching. A little while goes by and you hear another teaching on it. You turn on the Victory Channel and the pastor says, turn to that scripture. DON’T SAY IT! Do not say, I heard this before and turn the program off.
I have said this, I have heard Pastors who have studied the Word for 50 plus years say this: I have studied this scripture for years, and then I was given new revelation on it. It was like I never read that scripture verse before. This is revelation knowledge. God cannot give you something you are not prepared for.
I will give you an example. From December 31st, 2022, to January 8th, 2023, I wrote about Revelations 6: 1 to 8. The first time I read that way back in 1996, I had no idea what I was reading. Today, I know more because I listened. I heard and I believed. I see now, how Satan has been trying to bring in the end times outside of God’s time throughout the ages, but this time, he changed the battle plans and made an impression of it in the Earth. I can see what is going to happen after Jesus returns.
Did any of that make sense to you? That is what I mean. You have to knock and knock and seek and seek. If you go to your bible, if you read what I wrote, if you listen to what I have linked in those ‘Daily Walk in Tomorrow’ devotionals, and if you ask God, you will know what I wrote in the above paragraph. Do you have itchy ears, but do nothing about it?
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 25th, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
Do you have itchy ears? This is a good thing if you apply the Word to it. I see this all the time. You want change, you say you want change, and do nothing. You may want change, buy the bible and notebook, and set the alarm to go off 30 minutes earlier than normal; the alarm goes off and you hit snooze. Three months later, you find your bible under the laundry on your desk. You resolve to try again. For three months you have been pretty good at getting up, making your coffee, putting the dogs in and out, checking the weather app on your phone and writing the date in your journal. The timer goes off, you get up and get ready for work. Yes, you have made progress, you are now getting up 30 minutes sooner each morning, but you really haven’t gotten very far. HOWEVER, you are off the starting line.
You determine to do this. You set your alarm 30 minutes before your 30 minutes. The first 30 minutes are still doing the coffee, pet, weather app thing. You sit down and write the date on the top of the page in your journal. You decide to read from Matthew. You set your alarm for 15 minutes. Your alarm goes off. You have written a Word from the Word in your journal. You say a quick thank you to the Lord for spending time with you. Ask for protection during your day and get up and start getting ready for the day.
The other day, at work, a co-worker asked me how I was. I said something like fantastic. She said, she found it hard to believe that I could always be fantastic every morning. I told her, I spend 2 to 3 hours with the Lord each morning. She said she use to do that, but with marriage and work, she didn’t have time anymore. When I ask her how she is, “okay, good, well….” I choose to get up and I expect God to be at my desk shortly after five in the morning. I choose to talk with Him and laugh with Him. I expect to be inspired by Him and learn from Him. I invite Him into my day, my workplace, my neighbourhood and city. I want to hear His voice during my day. I want to hear Him laugh. I want to feel Him give me a hug. Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier this week. Allow God to help you set challenges.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 26th, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
If you are doing the Money Challenge, which is posted every Sunday and found in the file tab on the top of the homepage, you will have read in the lesson posted on January 8th, “You might question how you will be better off in six weeks just by spending your time and money differently, but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get different results. If you want things to be different in your life, you only need to start doing things differently!” This quote is from the book “6 Week Money Challenge: For Your Personal Finances by Steve Repak, page 38. (This is found on the Facebook group Victory Over Living with Alcoholic)
This is a trap by the enemy. Keeping you in a place of insanity, or complacency. You have no idea how many Christians do not read their bibles, listen to at least one sermon each week, or read a good book. I hear Christians talk about the horror movie they went to see, or the ‘action’ packed blow your brains out movie they watched on TV last night, or about the television show that promotes adultery and homosexuality they just have to watch each week. Then they turn around, shocked because a six-year-old shot their teacher. “It is almost impossible to wrap our minds around the fact that a 6 year old 1st grader brought a loaded handgun to school and shot a teacher; however, this is exactly what our community is grappling with today,” the mayor said in a statement posted on Twitter.” Parents are not even shocked when their child comes home and states that they are no longer a boy but a girl.
It shocks me with how many children rule over their parents. I see little two- and three-year-old children order their parents around and parents bending their knees to these little idols. What has this too do with going back to the basics of the basics? Everything. What are you watching that is causing insanity in your home? What are you doing that is causing insanity in your home?
1 Corinthians 14:33 King James Version
33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
That is the basic of the basics. If there is confusion, there is Satan. Where there is peace, there is God. What you set your eyes on, that is what you put into your heart. That goes for children and for adults. If your house is full of strife, that is what your children put into their hearts. If your children see murder, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, theft, etc., that is what they will put in their hearts. Do you mirror the Word? That is the basic of the basics. If not, you need to change. If you don’t, the crazy will continue in your life. That is the basic of the basics.
I am going to make this a plain as I can. Stop watching shows and movies with murder, theft, confusion, adultery in them. WHAT YOU SEE, YOU BECOME! WHAT YOU BEHOLD YOU BECOME.
2 Corinthians 3:18 Authorized (King James) Version
18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 27th, 2023 (5783)
How do we start? The basics of basics.
2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (KJV)
Do you remember a few days ago I asked you to look at yourself in the mirror and look into your eyes? Jesus is looking back at you because He is inside of you. That is how He knows what you are thinking, doing, and seeing. You cannot get away from Him. Do you remember me saying that we are taken from glory to glory, in other words, the Lord takes us higher and higher, little by little. We can choose to remain in a state of insanity, or we can challenge yourselves to grow into the image of Jesus.
So far this year we talked about what is happening in the spiritual realm and how it is affecting the physical realm. People are bringing the evil to life, and the remnant is pushing it back. Satan is trying to force the tribulation into being, and the remnant is speaking out against it. The remnant has seen the confusion, the chaos and hand of Satan and they are calling out to God for correction, discipline, and peace. We have talked about TELL A VISION. We talked about challenging our faith which will change the channel on our televisions. Do you recall reading what Prophet Robin D. Bullock said about how musicians will write and sing songs they will not allow their children to hear? If you need a starting point, start with the TELL A VISION. Turn off what speaks against your vision.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 28th, 2023 (5783)
I want to quickly recap what we have learned this month, and what is happening around here.
I am not powerless over anything, and my life is not unmanageable.
God is my source.
Be in Season, out of SEASON.
Faith works through love.
Available Challenges and lessons under the file tab: (These can be started at any time) EDIT: YOU CAN BUY THE BOOK BE IN SEASON OUT OF SEASON HERE.
Money Challenge
Pantry and/or Wartime Challenge
Study Guide for Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser
Sister Site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1819738404888318 This is a public group that provides information that helps with your challenges, promotes the action part of growth in the Lord and helps you keep your eyes on your vision. Also check out the file tab.
YouTube: Links to my personal watch lists that promote aid to your vision.
Challenge: This playlist contains helpful aids to keep your eyes on your vision.
Wartime Family: This playlist is mostly reality shows and made-up television shows about the 1940s during the war. Included are also some shows about earlier time periods.
Christian Speakers: An array of Christian Speakers; mostly on financial topics.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow:
January 1st to 8th we talked about Revelations 6: 1-8
January 9th – 19th we talked about Tell-A-Vison – Getting Started
January 20th – 28th we talked about How Do We Start – Basics of the Basics
From the end to the beginning. We are walking in our tomorrow so we can bring our tomorrow into today. We speak the end from the beginning. We walk by faith, not by sight. If we know what tomorrow is going to bring, we can boldly walk into our tomorrow, prepared.
Tomorrow we start a new series called Pitch and Grow.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 29th, 2023 (5783)
Pitch and Grow
We are starting a new series called Pitch and Grow.
At the beginning of January, we talked about the beginning of World War 2. The Commonwealth countries jumped immediately on board and declared war against Germany. The United States declared war on Japan after Peral Harbour was bombed, on December 7th, 1941. Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. Not only were the soldiers on the ground under attack from the enemy, but also Britain was assaulted by air raids, cargo ships carrying food were destroyed, and those left at home went without supplies so they could send them overseas to the soldiers and families who were suffering far worse than them.
What would you do? Are you courageous enough to go without ground beef and eat animal’s brains instead? Are you devoted enough to your country to stand strong while your husband and sons go off to war? Are you determined enough to do your part when forced into factories to build bombs and air crafts? Are you prepared to be that strong and courageous?
There are still people in this world terrified to go outside their homes in fear of covid-19. There are people who hide behind a mask that doesn’t provide any protection after 10 minutes wearing the mask. I worked in hospitals, and we were forced to change out our masks after 10 minutes because they were rendered useless.
There are people who run and get vaccinated for everything? They talk about getting sick. They fear getting sick. Have you noticed they are the ones getting sick? What you focus on, you bring about. I watched as healthy people began to fear of dying from cancer, be laid to rest two years later after a horrible decline from cancer. I have seen people put up with horrible conditions because they thought it was hopeless to even try to move ahead. They would say things like, “I will never have more than I have right now.” “I guess this is my lot in life.” “I made this bed, so I have to lay here and take it.”
I understand that the world is not perfect, and people die everyday that speak against sickness. I know that our food is contaminated, and that even eating organic food is not 100% free of pesticides and is not 100% full of the vitamins and nutrients that it should have in it. I know that evil people lurk around corners and thieves will try and steal my belongs. I am not naive to think that because I am a Christian, I am not susceptible to evil.
BUT GOD. I work in an environment where co-workers phone in sick for a week because of the flu or a cold. When I feel something try to come on me, I speak the blood. I may have an upset stomach for an hour or two, or have to take some pain medication to relief a headache, but I haven’t missed any work. Why? My mouth says, “I am healed. Jesus bore all my sicknesses and diseases.” I don’t care if my back hurts, or not, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” So, how do I get from I am sick to I am healed? I am poor to I am wealthy? I live in strife to I live in peace? I am glad you asked. Pitch and Grow.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 30th, 2023 (5783)
Pitch and Grow
In my vision book, (I have a photo album I had printed from Costco) I wrote, “Your true intentions equal your results. Many of us want to do things, but here is a big difference between wanting and having a true intention.” In my vision book I have many things I have ‘intentions’ of having or doing. Some of them should have been fulfilled last year; however, I am learning that they were intentions, not true intentions.
Let me give you an example. At the end of June 2022, my mother went home to Heaven. I started to sew a new dress, I intended to wear to her funeral. I was close to being finished, but it was not completed. I inherited her fabric, sewing machine and serger. When I got home, I decided to make 10 lap size quilts using my mother’s quilting cotton and as little of my stash as possible. I determined to not go into debt having them machine quilted either. I started off strong but got burned out after four. I took a few weeks off and then finished three more by the end of October. I sent those away to be quilted. I got them back at the end of November, bound them and mailed them off to other provinces. I still have three more to make in the spring.
My true intentions were to complete 10 quilts in honour of my mother’s memory. I have yet to complete them, but I will in the spring. My true intention is to do it all debt free. It is being done. I placed a date on the intention, and it wasn’t met, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a true intention.
I had the intention of not buying anymore fabric for my stash unless I had a plan for it. I bought fabric with no intention because I wanted it. It wasn’t a true intention. I was not determined to carry it through. I was wishy-washy about it. If you follow me on the sister site, you seen a post I made about patterns. I was looking for ‘the’ pattern I REALLY want but didn’t find it, so I was going to buy a pattern just because it was close, and the Lord had me go through my patterns to show me, I don’t need anymore patterns until I complete these patterns. I have enough fabric for sewing most of the patterns I want too, plus I have bags of fabric gathered together to make multiple quilts. There is one pattern I ‘really’ want, it is a vintage 1940s/50s housecoat pattern, and if I see it in my size, I will purchase it. Perhaps it will appear when I am obedient and not purchase anymore patterns and complete the quilts in the spring.
This is why I told you about the fabric and patterns. I may have written it down, I may have discussed this with God and I may have take an action towards bringing the vision to pass; however, my true intention was not equal with the vision.
Let me give you one more example: your child doesn’t do what you had asked them to do. Suppose you said, you cannot go to baseball practice until your room is cleaned. The time comes for you to take your child to practice, but their room is not clean. What was your true intention? What you say and do at that moment will tell the world what your true intention is. You have now created a weapon for you or against you.
Daily Walk in Tomorrow – January 31st, 2023 (5783)
Pitch and Grow
“To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.” Proverbs 16:1 (NIV) Mortals make elaborate plans, but GOD has the last word. (MSG)
Yesterday, for an example we talked about your child is supposed to clean their room before they can go to practice. The scripture verse says, we plan in our heart. The intention was the child cleans their room and goes to practice. This doesn’t happen. What did you do?
The scripture verse says, “from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.” This doesn’t mean that the LORD GOD, speaks. Remember this month we discussed how the body works? Jesus is the head, and we are the body. From the heart the mouth speaks. We also have discussed that the LORD is the LORD of seed time, harvest time. What that means is, what we sow, we reap. As a parent it is our job to disciple our children and do what we say we are going to do. God is our Father, and he does what He says He is going to do.
If your true intention is to train up your child in the way they should go, you will say to your child, you are reaping what you sowed. Will the child blame you and say they hate you and that they wish they were never born….maybe. Will you cave? What is your true intention? The next time you say, clean your room before practice, they will know your true intention. If you allow them to ‘rule’ over you and choose to be disobedient, and you take them to practice anyway, they will proceed to take more, demand more, and may begin to be disrespectful towards those in authority over him. Your true intention was never to punish them at all for not cleaning their room. You were trying to manipulate them into cleaning their room.
Manipulation means: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one’s own advantage (Merriam-Webster)
Intention means: what one intends to do or bring about; a determination to act in a certain way
True means: being in accordance with the actual state of affairs; being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed
the true dimension of the problem
Harsh…painful…I know.
A true intention takes determination, sometimes hardship and accomplishes what you envisioned. Manipulation happens when you intent something but come across opposition and compromise your vision. I envision manipulation like a piece a fabric. I can twist the fabric or cut the fabric to do what I want it to do; but if I don’t sew it in place, it doesn’t hold its shape. If I want the fabric to stay in that shape without sewing it, I have to continue to force the fabric to stay that way. My hands have to hold that fabric in that shape forever, because it cannot hold itself in that shape. If I take the time to properly sew the fabric, it can stand on its own, so to speak and I can know that it is molded in the shape I need or want it to be.

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