Demand of Me – Introduction

May 9th, 2024

Demand of Me Like I Demand of You

This series is about learning how to put pressure on God’s Word and receiving it back in multiplication.  We are going to tackle our health throughout this series, but the same lessons taught in this series can apply to everything else under the sun, from money, education, lifestyle, family, marriage, etc.

The statement, “Demand of me like I demand of you,” was said to me way back in 2023, when I was struggling to buy certain things at the grocery store, that seemed unattainable due to cost or lack of products that I wanted to find.  The demand I placed on God was to buy more organic, GMO-free fruits and vegetables, including grains and products made with grains, and hormone and anti-biotic free meats.  The more I demanded from God, the more I received back.

The other day, I told God, I only have two hundred dollars to spend on groceries for the next two weeks.  I also needed to buy a few extras that I wouldn’t normally buy because my granddaughter had a sore throat and was having a hard time swallowing.  At the first grocery store, I was sure my cart contained more than my allotted amount, but I praised God for His faithfulness as I paid my one hundred and thirty dollar bill.  I went to Costco and spent only seventy dollars. 

At both places, as I grabbed for organic sour cream, organic butter, organic coconut milk, and other products, I felt no fear of spending too much.  Were all my items organic?  No.  What I could get I did.  The less nasty I put into my body, the better.  Our bodies are designed to excrete bad things; however, in today’s world, our foods contain extreme amounts of chemicals and toxins.

Throughout these lessons, we are going to discuss healthy eating, weight loss, grocery shopping, preparedness, balance in our lifestyle, and exercise.  I am admitting right here and now, God has been after me to stretch everyday, I have been disobedient.  He even went as far as putting a book in my hands about gentle exercise techniques to help ease and reverse pain and physical deterioration.  I also admit, this was a couple of weeks ago, and I have only flipped through the book. 

I am a Christian, who believes in the power of Holy Spirit, who is our teacher, so you will hear about Him throughout this series.  I believe also that the prophets speak the Word of God and warn us about things to come.  I also believe that the Word is true that God will do nothing without telling the prophets before He does something, and we are a prophet over our own lives, so He will tell us something before it happens.  

I have a group on Facebook and XAPiT called Victory Campaign 2024 that I post everything from how to grow vegetables, how to preserve, what it was like during the 1930s and the war years, how to sew, preparedness ideas, and more.   I also wrote a series called, “Joy of Home,” found on the website,

As with anything, the measure you use is the measure you will get back.  If you read this and do nothing there is no benefit, just as God placing a book in my hands, and I do nothing with it.  I have to place a determination in my heart, or demand that I exercise my flesh.  Below, I have added two videos by a prophetic intercessor.  In these videos he explains why we need to get into shape and reduce our weight.  Do not get into fear as you watch these videos.  TACKLE WHAT YOU FEAR.  Push it back in 2024.  The less you fear, the more room faith has to work.

This next video was released on May 7th, 2024, by Last Days, and he expanse on the other video you just watched.  I also watched the Eleventh Hour with Prophet D. Bullock, with Church International and Prophet Joseph Z who released a video called, “Demonic Obsession with Immortality”, on this same day.   Robin and Joseph both used the word, collision.  Both Robin and Brandon talked about war. 

Remember, God always tells us what is coming so we can prepare for it.  We are called to pray against evil, and sometimes our prayers avail much and it doesn’t come to pass.  Some people are not aware of this and call the prophets false prophets because of it.  There are somethings we can’t pray away, but we can cover ourselves and others with prayers of protection.   Always follow the lead of Holy Spirit in preparation for what you see coming.  If He tells you to prepare, prepare.


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