Demand of Me – Lesson Five

May 29, 2024

Lesson Five

I received a very powerful word from the Lord:  First let’s do a quick recap of what He has been saying throughout these lessons.

In the Introduction, do you remember the word given by Last Days, Brandon talked about people who are obese and taking medication, and that the evil agenda was to cause massive deaths to those who are taking certain medications. 

Three Crosses Canada’s mandate is to break the altars of powerlessness.  We are not powerless over anything, and our lives are not unmanageable.  If you want to argue this point with me, first read Psalm 37.  In 2023, we talked about Be in Season, out of SEASON.  In 2024 our theme for the year is “Prepare the Way, Prepare the Way of the LORD God.”

In some of the articles I have written, the ‘Daily Walk in Tomorrow’ and we also touched on it in the series, ‘Joy of Home’, the prophets, bankers, market analysts and even some government officials are talking about a market crash.  A crash that will come so hard and fast, it will cause a depression worse than the 1930s.  Some predict this will happen in 2025.  This is one reason why I believe God has been calling us to prepare, not only our pantries and be financially stable because it is predicted the dollar will go down to fifty cents but be spiritually strong to go through it depending on God.  Pray that if this does come, it will not come near your tent.

The Lord said to me, “Wicked people are bringing death upon those who are obese, dependant on medications.  Pharmaceutical companies are for profit. They work to heal to bring medications to keep people alive to line their pockets.  My people were not meant to live and survive on pills, but every word of the Lord.

It is a vicious circle.  Chemical laced food, fake food, over processed food, and lack of movement, it all breeds sickness which is taken care of by pills.  Gluttony is a sin.  My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge.”  (Given May 27, 2024, 4:50 AM)

“Do you think I cannot heal the sick, the broken hearted, enrich those who are poor and suffering?  Do you think I am a weak God?  Get into the Word and find me.  I am in the Word; the Word reveals me.  I am your creator, and I know what your body needs and I can satisfy your desires.  Give me the right to move in your life, so I can bring healing, hope and direction” says the LORD.   “Pay attention to my prophets, for true prophets speak my Words.  Bind those words onto your heart and do what is required of you.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Stop putting pills and unhealthy foods into your bodies.  Depend on me, demand of me like I demand of you.  I will say that again, My Children, depend on me, demand of me like I demand of you.  Come into my dwelling place, where I will feed you, clothe you, provide for you, protect you.  Come near me,” says the LORD. 

Don’t just stop taking your pills, but when you do take your pills, praise God you are healed.  Watch how the Lord honours the Word coming out of your mouth in faith.

Go back to the introduction and watch the videos posted there.

I mentioned that our mandate from God is to break, destroy the altar of powerlessness.  I wrote an article on under the blog section, about why I dislike the 12-step program.  They promote that you are powerless, and your life is unmanageable.  Where is that in the bible?   There is nothing in existence that you are powerless over.  Absolutely nothing.  If Jesus is in you, how is that possible?

If you read the ‘Daily Walk in Tomorrow,’ daily, you will have read that we have nothing over us but God, that mankind is equal to us, and every single thing, every single emotion, every single creature, and plant, including all angels and demons are beneath us.  If God is above us, and we willingly allow that to be so, and we are equal to our fellow man, what are you powerless over?  Everything is under your feet.

“But it is not that way,” you might say.  Well, make it that way.  Is it a simple process?  Yes, but it will take your full attention, it will take studying the Word, and hearing the Word.  It will take you being willing to stand before God and repenting.  It will demand you taking down everything above you and putting God back up where He belongs.  Then you will live out Psalm 37.  Then you will walk in green pastures.  Then you will have all your desires met.

God will help you break down the altars of powerlessness in your life, but you have to do your part.  You have to stop allowing yourself to be under Satan’s thumb.  “Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.”  (2 Chronicles 20:20; NIV)

Study out Psalm 37, it tells you what God is demanding and what you can demand of Him.  Yes, we are under grace, forgiveness and God loves us; however, God cannot and will not bless sin.  If you are content living under the curses of Satan, you can stay there; or you can come under the blessings of the Lord.  “…for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous….I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging bread.”  (Psalm 37:17, 25; NIV)

God has been telling us to prepare our house and our hearts.  Go back and read March and April’s Daily Walk in Tomorrow.  On April 8th, the forty days of repentance started, and it ended on May 19th, Pentecost.    Listen, and listen closely, build your ark for your family, as we are in the Last Days, and the Last Days are like the Days of Noah.  I don’t know whether Jesus is coming in 2033, 2044 or 2100, but the Last Days are here.  Get right with God.

We talked about the Goat and the Sheep in the ‘Daily Walk in Tomorrow.’  We talked about Noah, Joseph (the one who had a coat of many colours) and about Moses.  God is talking.  Are you listening?  Faith only comes one way, by listening. 

This is lesson five of the series, “Demand of Me Like I Demand of You.”  You can also read the series, “The Joy of Home.”  Nobody is perfect, we all fall, we all make mistakes, but remember, God is the God who covers a multitude of sins.  Be Noah, be Moses, be Joseph.  They saved their families.  They heard the voice of the Lord and obeyed what He said.

In the ‘Joy of Home’ series, we talk about our roles in our family, what to prepare in our households, and our finances.  This series we are talking about our health and learning how to make up petitions and demand of God.  Don’t forget the as I demand of you, part.   God works through His children; they are His hands and feet.  There are billions of cells in the body, that run throughout the blood system in the body, bringing the needed supplies to the organs and muscles.   Organs are large and small, just like churches and ministries.  There are all kinds of ministries and churches, performing certain tasks in the body.   We have healing ministries, salvation ministries, health, and food ministries, building physical houses and churches ministries, etc.  We have the five-fold ministries.  Not one part of the body is more important than the others, as we are all part of the same body.  Some are called to provide finances to the body, some are called to preach, some are called to intercede by prayer and petition, some are called to raise future prophets, and some are called to teach Sunday school.  We need you doing your part.  We need you praying and raising the next generation to take the place of those who are leaving this world to go home.

Take seriously now your destiny, your calling.  We need you.  We need you fit, healthy and working towards your destiny.  Your destiny is hidden in Him, to protect it from the enemy.  Once you find it and start living it, Satan will come back to steal, kill, and destroy it.  If you live it, you have him under your feet. 

It is your responsibility to know something because the lack of knowledge is destroying you.  Wisdom builds on knowledge.   Read your bible, listen to sermons, read the articles on this website, ask questions, seek God and He will be found.

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