Demand of Me – Lesson One

May 14th, 2024

As you read in the Introduction, this series is about learning to ask and receiving multiplication back.  Whether it is ten times, thirty times, sixty times or even one-hundred-fold return, which is more than enough, God always gives back more than you give.  The measure you receive back from God is based on your faith.  If you ask of God and believe in your heart that He will only just barely meet your need, then you will receive back just enough to meet your need.

If you have read the ‘Daily Walk in Tomorrow’ devotional at all, found in its entirety on the website,, you have read about the Canadian Prepper (a YouTube influencer) who is creating a fortress on his land with security, food production and water wells.  It almost has a zombie apocalypse sound to it when he talks.  He says, “unless you are prepared when SHTF, you won’t make it.”  [shit hits the fan] This influencer sounds to me like he alone has chosen to provide and protect his family, and God is not apart of his plan. Maybe I am wrong, and God told this gentleman to prepare this way, and out of this preparedness, he will bring God glory.   I am not judging this man, or the way he is choosing to provide for his family, I am saying; however, if SHTF, no matter how well prepared you are, it is still God who protects and provides, and goes into battle for His Children.

In Hebrews 1:3, [paraphrased], “we are the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, and we are sustained in all things by his powerful word.”  In other words, we are here to be like God and bring Him glory, as we are sustained by Him.  We are not here to do everything for ourselves, by ourselves, but to work in partnership with God, so that God receives the glory through us.  Remember when Iran sent those 331 drones and missiles at Israel.  No one was killed.  God fought for Israel that day, and He received the glory.  Yes, Israel and their allies built the iron dome, shot down the drones and missiles, the people prayed and fasted, but God saved.  God cannot do anything in the Earth without the involvement of man. 

God can do whatever He wants to do!  Really?  “Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!” (TPT)  “Commit everything you do to the LORD.  Trust him, and he will help you.”  (Psalm 37:5; NLT)  God calls you His treasure, and explains and describes you in Matthew 13 in the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl.  God paid everything so you could have everything He intended you to have.  You receive by asking and doing what He tells you to do.

I was listening to an interview given by Dr. Phil with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and he said, that Israel lost their lives during the holocaust because they were not prepared, but this time they were.  Even if the other nations around the world choose not to support them in this hour, they will stand alone.  If they fail to have victory in this hour, it will affect the entire world.   God chose Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a prophet, was trained in the military, was wounded, moved to the United States to attend University, and became Prime Minister, for this hour.   If at anytime, he decided to disregard God’s leading, and he chose to not get back on the path to his destiny, God would have found someone else.  Just as Ester was told, if she didn’t do what was necessary in her hour, God would find someone else.  If you want to fulfill your destiny, have God fighting for you, you must work with Him, and follow His path, not your own, in your own strength.

If you decide to continue doing it your way, in your strength, and your understanding, this “Demand of Me Like I Demand of You’” will not work.  When Jesus went to feed the five thousand, He took two fish and five loaves, gave thanks, and broke the bread and it fed five thousand men, plus the women and children.  Can you do that?  Oh, yes you can.  Give God your circumstances, your agreement in prayer, your substance, and your very life, and He will multiply it.  Think about that; two fish and five loaves, fed approximately 15,000 to 20,000 people, a guaranteed 5,000 men.  It was all based on Jesus’ faith when He asked. 

Jesus was the same as you and me, His faith had to grow.  He didn’t start off raising a dead man, who had been dead four days, He started off by healing the sick, raising the dead who just died, then someone who was dead only hours, then days.  It’s like when you open a savings account with a hundred dollars, and you have twenty dollars automatically added every pay day, and monthly interest, and then six months later you get a raise at work and instead of spending that extra money, you add it to your savings account.  After a year you expect your bank account to have more than a hundred dollars in it.  That is how faith works.  You continually add to it, and it grows.  After a year, you had more than what you started with.  If you continue to save your entire lifetime, you will have an inheritance for your grandchildren.  Did you physically put that money into your bank account?  No, it was automatically added, and you probably forgot all about it, until you looked at your account.  It just kinda grew. 

What would happen if you put pressure on your bank account to grow?  What if you demanded it to grow?  What if you agreed to put all your birthday money into that account.  What if you agreed to do the ‘Pantry Challenge’ every January and February and put all the money you would have spent to buy groceries those months into your account.  If you did those two things, would you have more money in your account than if you didn’t?  It took a demand on yourself to do it, to follow through with it.  Now let’s face it, the interest rates are low, and the multiplication on your money wasn’t great; however, your demand increased your money.  Your faithfulness to commit to adding extra money to your account increased the balance of the account.

If you started the account with one hundred dollars and added 24 payments of twenty dollars, you will have five hundred and eighty dollars in your account after one year.  Now let’s say you challenged yourself during the year and you added another five hundred dollars through the year, by putting a demand on yourself; now you have one thousand and eighty dollars in your account, plus a small interest amount.  A demand brought about increase.  You are worth more one year later then you were the previous year. 

Faith grows.  Stagnant water becomes putrid water after a while.  You can continue this adding a thousand dollars year after year, and in ten years, you would have approximately ten thousand dollars.  But what if, you demanded more of yourself the following year.  At the year end, you added not one thousand dollars but three thousand dollars.  Human beings add to their accounts, while God multiplies to our accounts.

Jesus said, the widow woman who gave all she had, two small copper coins, had given more than anyone else. (Mark 12:41 – 43)  In Matthew 13, Jesus tells us, when we give, multiplication happens, 30, 60, 100-fold, in the Parable of the Sower.  The widow woman believed that God would take care of her need.  She placed a high demand on Him, and it greatly pleased Him.  Jesus saw this honour of the widow woman, He got so excited over it, He called His disciples to Him.  Remember when the Roman soldier told Jesus He didn’t have to come to his house to heal his servant, He just needed to command and it would happen, Jesus was astonished and said, “I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”  That included His own disciples. 

Faith is what you stand on when you make your requests to God.  Without faith, you can’t please God.  (Hebrews 11:6)  When you demand of God, He measures your faith.  Faith if you allow it, continues to grow, as you place more and more demands on it.  Let’s go back to the widow woman for a moment, do you have that much faith.  If God came to you after your year of saving, and said, give it all to this person or this ministry, could you do it without questioning God?  You first test the spirit to make sure it is God talking, but if it is, will you give it away, in faith, or will you doubt?  The measure you use is the measurement God uses to reward you or multiply it back.

God wants to multiply your giving.  If God doesn’t tell you to give your money away, don’t drain your savings account.  If God tells you to give ten dollars to the lady at the laundry mat, do so.  If you garden, and God says to give some greens to the neighbour, do so.  If you pass someone and God says to pray a salvation prayer over them, do so.  This is what giving looks like.  This is the kind of stuff God multiplies. 

In our next lesson, we are going to take this foundation we started and build on it.