Demand of Me – Lesson Six

June 2nd, 2024

Lesson Six

You are the Exact Representation and Perfect Imprint of God

I don’t know if you knew this, but God doesn’t get sick, He is not poor, He doesn’t live in a crime ridden neighbourhood, He doesn’t get drunk or high, He doesn’t swear, He doesn’t lie, He doesn’t cheat on His spouse, He doesn’t gamble and He doesn’t watch pornography.  I know, that may shock some people, that God is perfect.  My absolute, (one of my absolute) favourite verses in the entire bible is Hebrews 1:3.

A few years ago, I stumbled upon this verse in the New International Version, from the 1984 edition, and it reads, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.”  In prayer time this morning, I was told to read it from the Amplified Bible.  “The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal].  When He [Himself and no other] had [by offering Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for sin] accomplished purification from sins and established [revealing His completed work] at the right hand of the Majesty on high [revealing His Divine authority].”

You, yes, you, were created in God’s image.  God is three in one.  You are three in one, the body, the soul and spirit.  Your soul is made up of your will, mind and emotions.  Jesus and Holy Spirit can step inside the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit step inside of you the moment they are invited.  God speaks and it is.  You speak and it is.  God speaks those things that are not as though they were.  You speak those things that are not as though they were.  You lived inside the Father as a soul and spirit before you were sent to Earth.  Your mother carried you before you were born.  You are here to bring God glory. 

When I speak this verse back to God, I say, “I am created in the exact representation of You, I will bring glory to You, and I am sustained by Your Word.  Your Word produces everything I need.  You sent me to Earth with everything inside of me that I will need to fulfill my destiny down to the finest detail.”

We are holy just as God is holy.  We are who God says we are.  Do you believe that?  I marvel at some people’s ability to create works of art, or how they can remember things, or have the knowledge to create wealth, or how to live a moral and natural life.  Whether they are a Christian, an atheist, a warlock, a Buddhist, or a drag queen, God has put inside of them gifts, talents and a destiny to be fulfilled here on Earth.  Within you, you have what you need.  You have a high enough IQ, you were born into the right sex and place in time, and you will be given every opportunity to showcase yourself in order to bring God glory.

Do you remember as a child dreaming about your future?  I dreamt of living in a close relationship with my children, living a happy life with my husband on a ranch/farm, owning a black horse named, Blaze.  I saw myself gardening, living off the land, being free to express myself and being loved.  I have been married three times.  My first husband died from drugs and alcohol, my second husband I divorced, and my third husband, I left due to alcohol abuse.  I have lived in the country, owned a paint horse named Sir, I have gardened my whole life, but wasn’t free to live until recently.  I always knew I was supposed to write.  And I also found out that God is absolutely good, and He never forgot my purpose I am to fulfill.  He does make the bad into good, if you are willing to hear Him and obey Him.

I am not going to lie to you, it is hard work to get out of a lost life, go through the fire of refinement, take a break, go through the fire of refinement, take a break, go through the fire of refinement.  God always wants you to come up higher, which takes a deeper understanding into who He is and build a closer relationship with Him.  This has been a real challenge for me, because growing up, I just wanted to be loved, by anybody, which led to bad relationships and experiences.  It took time to trust God, and even to this day, I have to sometimes force myself to trust Him because I am still weak in some areas of my flesh.

How do you learn?  Challenging yourself.  Unless you push yourself to overcome something, you will stay where you are.  I tell my adult children, don’t think inside the box, don’t function inside the box, get out of the box.  The box is safe, and you know how to function inside that box, but its like a litter box, it will become messy and stink after a while.   Do I sometimes stay too long in the box?  Yes.  I will look back over the year, and say, “I am in the same place I was this time last year.”  Sometimes, it is because I lost my vision, didn’t intentionally fix my heart on my vision, or my place didn’t change in location, but my heart did, and I was looking at it from the natural viewpoint not the spiritual viewpoint.  It always changes in the spiritual before it manifests in the natural.  Always.  Always the spiritual first.  You have to bring it down from Heaven first, passing through the second Heaven, where Satan dwells, into the Earth.

As in Heaven.  Daily Walk in Tomorrow.  Walk where you want to go.  This is prophetic.  Your vision is in your tomorrow.  Reach out and take it.  Speak those things that are not as though they were.  Ask and it will be given to you, if you do not doubt.  Ask in faith.  Whose faith?  God gave you a measure of faith, but ride on God’s faithfulness.  Trust God.  The AMP says, “Have faith in God [constantly].”  (Mark 11:22)  Translated, it says, “have the God kind of faith.” 

Carman had a song, called Step of Faith:

Above the noise, I hear the voice
Of God givin’ the choice for me to say
I do believe and will receive
Within the heart of me the seed of faith

He does accept a baby step
As long as I have kept His word inside
But Jesus knows that I must grow
And tells me I must go ahead and try
Well, all right, okay, I guess it’s up, up and away

I’m takin’ a step, takin’ a step of faith
Walkin’ out on the promises God made
Takin’ a giant leap in the air

Songwriters: Paul Dean Carman / Tommy L. Sims

Step of Faith lyrics © Capitol CMG Publishing, Universal Music Publishing Group

I encourage you to listen to it in its entirety.  

God has done everything He is going to do for you.  He created you with desires, gifts, talents, a destiny.  He has spoken over you, intercedes for you, calls you, sent you to Earth with a guardian angel, offers you the warring angels, the seven spirits, the elders, the cloud of witnesses.  He arranges for you to meet certain people, programs to watch to learn from, offers you the five-fold ministry.  He wrote a 66 book in one for you to read.   What are you doing with it all?

Here is what I did.  “Oh God, I am so lost, help me.  My husband is drinking, and I am in so much pain.  I can’t think of anything else but him.  I can’t pay my bills and he is drunk again.”   Whine, whine, whine.  Pity party, after pity party.  Where did it get me?  No where.  Just more of the same.   When I stepped out of the box, and I started to walk on faith, things changed.   WHEN I STEPPED OUT OF THE BOX.  When I read the hard words, I didn’t understand.  When I watched and listened to the hard words I didn’t understand, I began to understand.  My knowledge turned into wisdom, and I began to prosper, just as my soul prospered.  No one arrives on Earth; we are always called to come up higher in our relationship with God. 

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”  (James 1:22 – 24; NIV)   Yes, you need to hear the word over and over and over, until it gets into your heart, where God rearranges it.  But you are doing what it says, hearing the word, which makes faith grow.  Soon that word will be your word and you will be able to fully understand that word and stand on that word.  This is called refinement by fire.  It is painful, it is hard work, but it is rewarding.  Remember, God is the God of multiplication.

Holy Spirit brings conviction, and receive it, although it is painful.  Condemnation from Satan lasts forever, conviction brings awareness, and repentance removes it forever.    Even Paul, the Paul who wrote most of the New Testament, said, his flesh spoke one way and his spirit another.  A war was declared, and he had to fight that war.  God has provided every weapon you need to win and be victorious.  “Victory at all costs”, was the word Prime Minister Churchill spoke at his first official speech as Prime Minister during the second World War.  Without Victory, you live in defeat. 

Refinement is painful, as it removes all the impurities.  It is better to go through it now and have VICTORY than to face God after death.  What will you say to God when you are face to face?  “I was beaten, broke, abused, just like Jesus was.”   Jesus wasn’t beaten, broke and abused, for you, so you would go through it.  He did all that, so you didn’t have to.  God wants you to be living in a peaceful neighbourhood, in a nice neighbourhood, with food in the fridge, money in your bank account, your bills paid, and your children not begging for bread.


“In your weakness, I am your strength.  Look to Donald Trump.  He has been beaten, broken, lied about, cussed, cursed and whipped, yet I have held him up in my right hand.  He heard my voice say, “I gave it all for you” and he received it.  You are my children, not my slaves.  I bought and paid for you, now go forth and be free.  This is the year of the open door, only you can walk through it before it is locked.  The Year ends in October, and a new year begins.  My children a harshness is coming over the lands, the nations, in 2025.  Be prepared in Season, out of SEASON.  Know that I alone am God, and I alone will save.  There is no other God before me, I know not one, yet you live like there is.  Your spouse, your money, your jobs and food, your rent, your mortgages are nothing I cannot pay for.  I live in a place with gold streets, and jewels are encased in my home.  Do you think I am so poor I cannot sustain you?  Look up to me, and I will reach down with my right hand and lift you up.  I am He that is.”

Demand of God as He demands of you.  That is how it all works.   He trusts you; do you trust yourself? 

A darkness is coming to the Earth.  You will see the hand of God at work, as the wrongs of this world are flipped.  Throughout the bible this is mirrored: “To the man who pleases him God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he given the tasks of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God….Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.”  (Ecclesiastes 2:26, 3:15; NIV)

Jesus has entered the temple, understand, Jesus entered the temple, God’s place.  It was God’s people stealing from God’s people.  Jesus entered the temple and flipped the tables.  Jesus said, “you are making it a ‘den of robbers.’”  (Matthew 21:13; NIV)  “Has this house, which is called by My Name, become a den of robbers in your eyes [a place of retreat for you between acts of violence]?  Behold, I Myself have seen it,” says the LORD.”  (Jermiah 7:11; AMP)  LORD of seed time and harvest.  Seeds are multiplied back.  What comes around, goes around.  Keep the widow in mind who gave only two coins, all she had to live on, and she gave more than anyone else.

First the Church gets flipped.  Are you prepared for that?  Are you a goat or a sheep?  See, Daily Walk, March 2024.  Jesus is returning for a spotless bride.  There will be beauty for ashes.  Ashes come from a burning, a fire.  A refining fire.  Holy Spirit is fire.

Our theme for 2024 is “Prepare the Way, Prepare the Way of the LORD God.” 

Last year, it was, Be in Season, Out of SEASON. 

The tables are going to be turned, do you have a seed of the widow woman with two coins planted? 

Last year I sowed on Proverbs 13:22, and this year for Psalm 37. 

This is prophetic.  Write the vision and make it plain.  Call those things that are not as though they were.  Time is running out.  The tables will be turned.  A fire is coming and if you are not prepared, you have been warned.  God will not forsake HIS children, and HIS children know HIS voice.


Last Days:

Prophet Robin D. Bullock – Time Stamped at 2:33  Prophet Robin just finished his sermon and is about to give a prophetic word, about what he saw for 7 years.

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