Demand of Me – Lesson Three

May 23th, 2024

Lesson Three
Presenting our Petition
Below is my petition that you can use for yourself or take ideas from.  Remember however, this is in a Heavenly Courtroom and legally binding.  So, make corrections to it before entering into the Courtroom and know what you are agreeing too.
First of all, you have been to court many, many times, but didn’t know it, as well, as you have been accused in court many, many times and never attended, and lost because of it.  Satan is constantly in the courtroom accusing you. 
You must enter the Courtroom in faith that you are really there in the spirit.  Don’t get weird about it, and sit in a room with only candles, with “special” music playing and standing on your bible.  Just sit in a quite room and focus on God.
Remember you are a loved kid of God, so be bold, not prideful as you enter the courtroom.  It is normal to be filled with fear and trembling, as you are in the very presence of God.  You must speak out loud, in the courtroom.  
Pray out loud, “Holy Spirit, please help me to step into the courts of Heaven and present a case before the Judge.  I believe that by faith in the blood of Jesus and through the pathway of the ascension of Christ that I am now stepping into the Courts of Heaven.  I am now present in the courts.  Thank you, Holy Spirit.”
Continue to speak out loud.  “I step up to the clerk of the Court.  I have a petition to present to the Court of Heaven concerning my health, my weight, and my lifestyle on the earth.”
You should start to feel and hear as you are guided into the Court of Heaven.  In the Courtroom is Jesus and Holy Spirit, and across from you will be a servant of Hell.  Before you is your Father, the rightful judge.  You may also have onlookers, those who have gone before you, and your guardian angel and Host of Heaven if you took them along.
At this time, you may ask Holy Spirit to present your case.  Speaking out loud, “Your Honour, my Lord, You created me in your image, to speak like you do, act like you do and to take authority and dominion over my body.  I am made up of a spirit, a soul (mind, will and emotions) and I have a body which is under the authority of my soul and spirit.
Your Word says you cannot lie, and that Jesus was pierced, crushed, punished, oppressed, and afflicted so I do not have to be.  Your Word says in Hebrews 1:3, we were created in your exact representation, and we are to glorify you, as well as be sustained by your powerful Word.
Your Honour, I am bought and paid for and stand in your righteousness before the court of Heaven.  Your Word says, by prayer and petition make your requests known to God.  (Philippians 4:6)  James 5:16 says to “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
Lord, I confess I have not taken care of my temple.  I have allowed excess weight to creep up on me.  I have allowed my desire of food both healthy and unhealthy to cause me to become a glutton which in sin before you.  Father, I confess before you in this courtroom I have sinned.  I receive your forgiveness.
Father, I choose as an act of my will, to submit myself to you and your desires for my temple.  What shall you have me to do?
Write down what you hear.
Your Word says, “from the heart the mouth speaks.”  Help me make your desires my desire, so that the intention of my heart mirrors yours.”
James 4:1 – 4; NIV, says, “What causes fights and quarrels among you?  Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?  You want something but don’t get it.  You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want.  You quarrel and fight.  You do not have, because you do not ask God.  When you ask, you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.  You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God.  Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God?”
“Anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”  (James 4:17; NIV)
“Lord, I cannot achieve this without you.  I give you permission to move through all aspect of my physical health, mental health, and spiritual health, as well as healing of my body.  Lord, I choose to step out in joy and be led forth in peace.  I will not be like the fasting pharisees, but like Jesus who grew in stature before you.
James 5:16 says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
Holy Spirit, I give you permission to help me in my health walk.  To keep me balanced on the narrow path and to slap my hand when it reaches for the things that cause me to sin.
Father, King David went to Araunah to buy his threshing floor to “build an altar to the LORD, that the plague on the people may be stopped.”  (2 Samuel 24:21)  Araunah offered it to him.  King David said, “No, I insist on paying you for it.  I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”
Jesus, you paid it all for me, every sin I have ever committed, every sin I am now committing, and every sin I will ever commit.  I praise and thank you for it.  You have given me life, and life in abundance, and I honour you for it.
This day I bring my petition to you in Jesus’s name.  I ask that you walk beside me and help me through this journey.  I am placing a demand on you to provide me with organic, non-GMO foods, hormone, and anti-biotic meats.  I am placing a demand on you to led me to videos to watch, books to read, place to go, classes to take, foods to eat, to change my desires for certain foods.  I am placing a demand on you to protect me from harmful chemicals in my food and water.  I am placing a demand on you to heal all the things wrong in my body, known and unknown.  I am placing a demand on you to led me to the vitamins and supplements I need to take and the manufacturer.  I am placing a demand on you to help me change my diet into a lifelong lifestyle.  You created plants for me to eat and gave me animals to eat.  I place a demand on you to tell me what to eat, what will heal me, and what to avoid.
Father, your word says by prayer and fasting.
I choose this day to fast 40 days without white sugar, brown sugar, and icing sugar.
Following after those 40 days, with another 40 days without honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, molasses, or any other form of sugar, natural or man made.
I will not become legalistic over minute traces of sugar found in bread, as yeast needs sugar, but will avoid sugar in such things a soup, gravy mixes, salad dressings or other like products.
Father, I ask that my guardian angel and my Host of Heaven remind me of these words.  That they provide me guidance throughout my day and that they provide me protection from the fiery darts of the enemy, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.   I ask that they blind my eyes from sweets, cookies, those foods I should not eat in the grocery store.  I ask that they cover my ears during commercials, in the staff room and lunchrooms.  I refuse to be influenced by others who are not serving you and are eating unhealthy foods.
Father, I ask for creative ways to cook and new ideas and recipes that my entire family will enjoy.  I ask for abundance in my garden.  I ask for peace in my family as I make this adjustment.
“I am listening now for further instructions.”
Write down what you hear and feel.
“I receive this ruling of the Court into my spirit by faith in Jesus.”
“I now bring down the court ruling upon the earth in Jesus’s name.”
“I now release this ruling from Heaven on the Earth in Jesus’s name.”
“I now as a child of God, in the name of Jesus the Anointed one, standing on the earth, execute this righteous judgement and decrees and I engage the angels of God assigned to this ruling to speedily see that this ruling is fully executed in all of its power.”

You have to decide what you want to sacrifice and fast.  Kind David used his own money to purchase a threshing floor and oxen and built an altar to the LORD (which is the governmental part of God, the LORD of seed time and harvest).  “Then the LORD answered prayer in behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel was stopped.” 
“God “Will give to each person according to what he has done.  To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.”  (Romans 2:6; NIV) 

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