Mission Noah

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April 18th, 2024

Those words came to me when I was writing in my journal.  The Word clearly says that nothing is done in this world without God telling the prophets.  We are a prophet over our own lives, and God will tell us what is going to happen before it happens, whether we are hearing His voice or not. 

Even before the pandemic, God has been telling His people to build an ark.  Jesus told us that the Last Days, would be like the Days of Noah.  In those days, people did not worship God, but idols, themselves, and angels.  They were getting drunk, sleeping with the same sex, sacrificing their children, it was horrible.  One man heard God’s voice, and he obeyed God, and was saved.

This is what God told Noah, “You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.  Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” (Genesis 5:21, 22; NIV)  “Also get all the food you’ll need and store it up for you and them.”  (MSG)  [bold and italics mine]

In January 2023, we challenged ourselves with “Be in Season, out of SEASON,” and this year, “Prepare the Way, Prepare the Way of the LORD God.”  For three years we have talked about World War Two, rationing, recipes, how the soldiers had to get out of the trenches and fight.  This is where we are today. 

We talked about this in the ‘Daily Walk in Tomorrow,’ that from April 8th to Pentecost is 40 days.  The solar eclipse went through seven cities in the United States called Nineveh, and one city in Canada with the same name.  An earthquake happened in White House Station, 40 miles from New York.  When Jonah preached, “you have 40 days to repent,” a solar eclipse was happening.  The experts say Noah lived inside the ark for 370 or 377 days.  From April 8th 370 days is APRIL 13TH PALM SUNDAY and 377 days is APRIL 20TH, 2025 IS EASTER SUNDAY AND IS THE 9TH AND LAST DAY OF PASSOVER.  (April 12th is the first day of Passover.)

The secular and Christian worlds are talking about a financial crash, a recession is not the word used, depression is the word.  A greater depression than in the 1930s.  The experts hold up charts and they mirror today.  Both Canada and the United States are both in mountains of debt.  Both countries have open borders and leaders who are clueless.  Both countries celebrate abortion and the LGBQ; with Canada giving license to the MAID program, which is doctor assisted suicide.  The Solar Eclipse went through seven cities called Nineveh and one city in Canada.  Both countries are having elections, and no matter who takes office, it’s going to be a harsh season ahead.

God told me in March to start buying meat and cheese.  Today, the bird flu is moving through chickens and cattle, including dairy cattle.  (Those with ears hear.)  Ranchers are taking their cows to market because they can’t afford to feed their cattle due to high prices and drought.   Visit https://threecrossescanada.com/recipes/ to find canning meat recipes.

God told me to buy extra vegetable garden seeds this month.  I heard in my spirit, more and more people will be gardening this year to offset price increases, and seed production could be hampered due to drought and flooding this year.  Already, there are articles out about possible shortages.  As well, in the United States, they are ordering farms to be shut down, and telling people they can’t water their gardens and crops with well water.  Food production is being stopped.  Properly stored, seeds will be good for three years or more.  Get a book on saving seeds.

If there are going to be droughts and flooding, that could affect wheat production, and for me, gluten free grains.  That means lack of product.  Ground flour only lasts about one year, so stock up.  Some people say put them in the freezer, while others say don’t.  You also need a freezer and space in the freezer.  Options are to buy food grade pails and store them in a cool dry place or buy a grain mill, and wheat berries or gluten free grains and grind your own. 

Is this all biblical?  “You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”  (Genesis 6:21; NIV)

I understand, some of you haven’t heard this before, or say you can’t afford to go out and buy canning equipment, a food mill, let alone the extra costs of grains and meat and vegetables to fill the jars.  I get it.  My budget is the same as everyone else’s, I need to prioritize my purchases.  Food storage items or new clothing?  Food storage items or new equipment? 

Our theme for the year is, “Prepare the Way, Prepare the Way of the LORD God.”  God knows your budget, He knows where you can find items on sale, and He knows how to get things to you, but you need to trust Him and ask Him.  God wants a relationship with you, and He promises that He will never leave you or forsake you.  You have to believe that God is your source of supply.

If you are struggling with what to get, for food, medical supplies, whether you need power sources or back up cooking equipment, visit: https://threecrossescanada.com/joy-of-home/

We talk about suggested pantry items to have, baby diapers, camp stoves, oil lamps, clothing, money, soap, etc.

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